Highland Knight of Rapture (Highland Dynasty #4) - Amy Jarecki Page 0,51

received notice of the passing of a loved one. Did he care for her that much? If he helped her and was discovered, Aleck would not only kill her, the Chieftain of Ardnamurchan would not rest until Eoin was dead too.

She could never put so much at risk.

Could she?

Chapter Thirteen

The rain had stopped, though every stitch of Eoin’s clothing was still soaked clear through.

As they approached Mingary Castle, the hair at Eoin’s nape stood on end. He had a hunch something had happened and knew better than to ignore his instincts. All was quiet. Too quiet. There wasn’t even a sentry upon the wall-walk.

He drew his sword and motioned for Lady Helen to move behind him.

“What is it?”

“Just a feeling, but there’s no guard above.” He glanced over his shoulder. “Stay behind me.”

Voices echoed from behind the man door. He recognized Fergus’s voice. Eoin pounded his pommel on the hard oak. “’Tis Lady Helen and Sir Eoin.”

The door opened straight away to Fergus’s wide-eyed stare. “Thank heavens you’ve returned, m’laird.”

Eoin ushered Helen forward. “What the blazes is going on?”

“William’s arrived from Sunart with news. The MacDonalds are marching overland.”

“’Tis the truth.” A MacIain man stepped forward. “And they’ve already burnt out Gilles’s cottage. We saw the smoke first.”

“Are you William?” Eoin asked the man.


“Did the other men from your post come with you?”

“Nay.” William inclined his head eastward. “They’ve stayed to keep an eye on the Donald’s whereabouts.”

“Good.” Eoin looked between the men. “How much time do we have before they cross into Ardnamurchan?”

“A day, mayhap two,” William surmised. “Depends on how intent they are on pillaging poor crofters.”

Damn, there was no time to wait for MacIain to return with his best fighting men. I told Sir Aleck the greater threat was Sunart, but the bastard wouldn’t listen. Forced to make a snap decision, Eoin pointed to the stables. “Ready the men for battle. We’ll ride at once.”

Helen grasped his arm. “What can I do to help?”

“Keep everyone calm.” Eoin patted her fingers. “Ensure you have enough food and water within the walls in case there is a siege.”

“A siege? I thought you said they wouldn’t march on Mingary.”

“I aim to see that they do not, but you must prepare for the worst.” Eoin grasped her hand. “We shall leave the remaining Mingary guardsmen here. With luck, Sir Aleck and his men should return soon and provide reinforcements.” He pointed to an elderly sentry sporting a bow and arrow—one who clearly had left his post atop the wall-walk, having left it unguarded. “Resume your station immediately. There must be at least three sentries on the battlements at all times. No question.”

“Yes, m’laird.” The man bowed his head and hastened off.

With her chin raised, Helen looked Eoin in the eye. “I will make certain we secure the fortress.” Though she was a small woman, her stature exuded confidence—something absolutely necessary in a leader. By God, she was Colin Campbell’s daughter.

“It is up to you to rally the Mingary forces in the absence of Sir Aleck. Your word is law. Do not forget that, m’lady.” He pulled her aside. “The attack on Sunart might be a ploy to pull us away from Mingary. When Sir Aleck returns, tell him to prepare for an attack by sea. With the MacGregors protecting your back and the MacIains covering the sea gate, all should be well.”

As Helen watched Eoin take charge, she wanted to throw her arms around his neck and beg him to stay. He could be killed in the fighting—or injured. He’d sworn to protect her and now he planned to ride off and face a band of pillaging rogues. She clasped her hands together to stop herself from embracing him. I mustn’t fear. Eoin has ridden into far worse. He’s a king’s enforcer. If anyone can stop Clan Donald, it is he.

But watching him ride through the gate, clad and equipped for battle without so much as being able to give him her kerchief, tied Helen’s stomach in knots. Dear Lord, please watch over Sir Eoin and his men and bring them back to Mingary safely.

The gates closed behind the mounted warriors with a resounding boom.

Her nerves jumped across her skin.

What on earth should I do now?

Blinking, she recalled how Eoin took charge, and how her brother managed his men. Her father had been a legendary commander in The Crusades. Squaring her shoulders, Helen knew what she must do. Casting misgivings about her gender aside, she turned in a circle. She’d been

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