Highland Knight of Rapture (Highland Dynasty #4) - Amy Jarecki Page 0,36

primroses during her confinement. “I have decided ’tis time the lass was introduced to the clan.” Regardless of what Aleck thinks.

Sarah twirled Maggie’s black tresses around her finger. The bairn’s hair had grown just long enough to make a darling curl atop her head. “You chose a good day for it with the minstrels coming—twill be a grand gathering.”

Maggie wiggled with a darling squeal. She raised her head twice as if she wanted to be picked up. Helen’s heart squeezed. After she tucked in the end of the swaddle to secure it, she gathered the babe into her arms. “Hopefully the extra bit of cloth we’ve stuffed between her legs will keep her from piddling through the fabric.”

Sarah chuckled. “I do not think you can count on it, m’lady. Piddling is what wee ones do best.”

Maggie laughed. The joy in her tiny infant voice tickled Helen’s insides and she chuckled. Oh, how this little one could warm her heart.

Helen gaped at the nursemaid with a wide-mouthed smile. “I think she agrees with you.”

Holding out her arms, Sarah inclined her head to the bairn. “We’d better haste to the great hall. You wouldn’t want to be late and upset the chieftain.”

Helen placed Maggie in the nursemaid’s arms, then straightened her red silk veil. “We do not want to do anything to raise Sir Aleck’s ire.”

“Not to worry, m’lady.” Sarah started for the door. “As soon as Sir Aleck sees Miss Maggie, his heart will melt.”

Helen opened the door and followed the nursemaid out. “I hope you are right.”

“Who wouldn’t instantly fall in love with such a darling face? Her blue eyes and black curls will enchant everyone in the hall.”

“I do like your exuberance.” Helen followed Sarah down the stairwell. “Now remember—we’re to parade her around the hall and then take Maggie to the dais. We don’t want to overdo her premier appearance. At the first sign of fussiness, spirit her back to the nursery.”

“All right, m’lady.”

“And we mustn’t whirl around the hall like we’re dancing a reel. Wait for me at the bottom of the stairwell.” Goodness, Helen shouldn’t be this nervous. As they descended the wheel-stairs, the noise from the crowd grew louder. She drew in a calming breath just as she rounded the last few steps. “Let us wait at the back of the hall until they notice us.”

“Aye, m’lady.” Sarah grinned. “They’ll be overcome with ooh’s and ah’s any moment.”

Helen grasped Sarah’s elbow and together they stepped into the great hall. As usual on the third Friday of the month, there was excitement in the air. The men told their stories with more animation and the women laughed with a hearty fullness in their voices. Yes, everyone knew the minstrels would play and there would be dancing and drink aplenty.

Looking out over the hall, the servants noticed them first. They stood at attention, gazing Helen’s way. Gradually, the hum of voices ebbed. Upon the dais, Aleck pushed back his chair and stood. Eoin followed suit.

When Aleck planted his fists on his hips, Helen gulped. But it was time. Miss Maggie would not be imprisoned in the nursery for the duration of her childhood. Helen gestured to the bairn and smiled. “Please allow me to introduce Miss Margaret Alice MacIain.”

As if on cue, the bairn squealed while Sarah raised her elbow so the crowd could better see Maggie’s face. Everyone audibly sighed at once.

“She’s a handsome bairn for certain,” someone called from the crowd.

“She has the chieftain’s tresses.”

“Aye but her mother’s beauty.”

Indeed, the clansmen and women gushed with admiration.

Helen gestured to Sarah and together they proceeded through the center aisle slowly so everyone could take a good look at Maggie. As they neared the dais, Aleck’s fists remained on his hips, his face unreadable.

I will not allow him to intimidate me.

Raising her skirts to her ankles, Helen ascended the stairs with Sarah following. Aleck strode to her side, but didn’t offer his hand. Instead he pressed his lips to Helen’s ear. “I told you I didn’t want to see the bairn.”

Helen turned to the crowd and spread her arms to address them. “I thought there would be no better time than a gathering with music and dancing to introduce Maggie to the clan.”

Sarah held the bairn to Aleck, giving him no option but to reach out and cradle her. He looked up with a forced smile. “What the clan needs is a lad,” Aleck growled, none too softly.

“You’d best head above stairs and make one, m’laird,” a male

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