Highland Knight of Rapture (Highland Dynasty #4) - Amy Jarecki Page 0,16

soul. Perhaps she could spend more time with Maggie—or feign an illness so she wouldn’t have to see Sir Eoin again. How poorly he must have apprised her after Aleck slobbered that kiss all over Mary.

An anchor sank to the pit of Helen’s stomach. She couldn’t remember Aleck ever kissing her like that. Worse, she definitely could not imagine him ever doing so. In the past, her husband’s kisses had been brusque pecks. He’d never been overly affectionate. In fact, his ever increasing disdain for Helen oft had her doubting he harbored any affection for her at all. Aye, she’d tried to act the ideal wife, always seeing that things ran smoothly in the keep—always trying to make Aleck happy. If only he would show appreciation for her efforts.

Helen closed her eyes to rest them for a bit. And as the hour grew later, her eyelids became ever so heavy. She leaned her head back and allowed sleep to take her mind away.

She woke with a start when Sarah tapped her shoulder. “M’lady?”

Helen rubbed a hand over here face. “Sarah? You’ve returned already?”

“I was afraid you’d be cross with me for staying away too long.”

“Not at all.” Helen stood and gently rested Maggie in her cradle. “Is the hour late?”

“Aye. Everyone has gone to bed. The lamps and candles in the hall have been snuffed.”

“Oh my, you were away for a time.”

“Forgive me.” Sarah blushed.

Helen figured there might be a lad who’d caught her eye. After all, nursemaids were allowed a bit of fun from time to time. She patted Sarah’s shoulder. “Not to worry. Maggie and I were fine. But I’d best find my bed. I fear tomorrow will be busy with a stable loft full of warriors.”

“Och, aye.” Sarah grinned. “Will they be here for long?”

“I sincerely hope not.” Helen gave her a wink. “But their chieftain is a childhood friend of mine, if you’d like me to put in a good word on your behalf.”

Sarah’s cheeks grew redder. “I’m sure that will not be necessary, m’lady.”

“You could do far worse than a MacGregor lad.”

“Aye?” Sarah curtseyed. “Thank you, m’lady.”

Helen collected a candle and opened the door. “I shall see you on the morrow.”

Making her way through the dimly lit stone passage, she sighed. If only things had been different for her. True, her brother had made a good alliance with her betrothal, but Helen hadn’t seen Duncan in years.

Once inside her chamber, she set the candle on the bedside table. Unlacing her gown took effort, but she didn’t want to wake Glenda. When she finally shook out her linen shift and climbed into bed, noise from the adjoining chamber startled her.

“Your bosoms make my cock harder than forged iron,” Aleck’s voice rumbled through the walls, followed by a woman’s chuckle.

“I want you to suckle me.” No question, it was Mary’s voice.

Aleck’s growl rattled the wall.

Helen tensed and clamped her fingers around the linens.

The bed on the other side of the wall creaked. Louder and louder the disgusting noises of passion grew. Mary moaned and begged for more, her mewls growing faster.

Helen clapped her hands over her ears, but the bed thudding into the wall was too loud. On and on the bed creaked. Aleck bellowed a gut-wrenching roar. Every muscle in Helen’s body tensed. She sat upright for a moment, ready to flee. But just when Helen thought it would never end, all went quiet.

She moved her trembling hands over her face and coughed out a sob. God in heaven, I can take this no longer.

Chapter Five

By the next morning, Helen had made up her mind. She would confront Aleck and let her feelings be known. After dressing and breaking her fast, she gathered her wits and proceeded to the second floor solar. Along the way, she reminded herself of the important points—things that had kept her awake all night. Her first concern, of course, was Maggie. Helen would protect her daughter no matter what, but she would also speak her peace. She’d done nothing but serve and bow to her husband for the past five years. He owed her a modicum of respect.

It was time she made some demands of her own. But still, as she proceeded down the winding tower stairs, unease gripped her insides.

The bottom further dropped from her stomach when she arrived at her husband’s solar door. Summoning her fortitude, she knocked softly. When there was no answer, Helen stood a bit taller and gave two firm raps.

“Come.” The foreboding timber of Aleck’s

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