Highland Knight of Rapture (Highland Dynasty #4) - Amy Jarecki Page 0,100

much more riveting.”

As Helen read, Eoin listened to every word as if he were captivated by the fairy tale. How a rugged and powerful warrior such as the Chieftain of Clan Gregor could be completely enthralled by one of her books amazed her. He suited her in every way. He treated her respectfully and he loved Maggie. He’d shown her what it was like for a man and a woman who were truly in love to express their feelings in the joining of their bodies. When she lay with Eoin it was not sinful. Their love was a gift from heaven and she would cherish every moment they shared for the rest of their days.

The following day was too cold for a bath outside and Helen asked Eoin to bring the wooden basin inside. “Miss Maggie’s skin is chafing. I know they say ’tis bad to bathe a bairn more than once a month, but where Maggie’s concerned, her skin always looks better after a bath.”

“I say do whatever is best for the lass.” Eoin put the big basin beside the fire and picked up a bucket. “I’ll go to the burn and fill this.”

“Thank you.” Helen looked in the kettle suspended over the fire. “The water’s nearly boiled.”

From her rug, Maggie clapped her hands.

“Are you looking forward to the bath?”


“I agree.” Helen lifted the babe into her arms. “I rather enjoy a tub of warm water, myself.”

The wind whipped through the door before Eoin stepped inside. “My oath, I think we may have our first snow soon.”

Helen shivered. “Oh no. We cannot weather a harsh winter this year.”

“’Tis still early.” He strode across the floorboards and dumped the bucket of water into the basin. “If we do see snow, it should only be a dusting and will be gone by the morrow.”

“I suppose it is God’s will, whatever happens.” Helen inclined her head toward the kettle. “Would you please pour in the hot water as well?”

“My pleasure m’lady.”

Once the bath was filled, Eoin swirled his hand in the water. “’Tis nice and warm. Perhaps I should set another kettle to boiling in case…ah…” The brawny Highlander could make her melt with a single arch of his eyebrow.

Helen chuckled. “I don’t suppose it would be proper to bathe in front of the wee one.”

“Are you jesting? I doubt she’d mind.”

Helen set the bairn in the tub while Eoin headed outside with the kettle. “He’s a bit brazen to suggest each of us strip down and bare our nether parts in the main chamber.”

Maggie bubbled and splashed her hands in the water.

“You seem to think there’s nothing wrong with that idea in the slightest.” Helen reached for a cake of soap. “I’ll tell you, nothing of the like would have been allowed at Kilchurn Castle. Why, if one of my mother’s daughters so much as left her chamber wearing but a shift, she would be sorely punished.”

“Bubub,” Maggie replied, reaching for the soap.

Helen held it out. The bairn squeezed the cake with both hands. The blasted think slipped up and hit Helen between the eyes. “You little rascal.”

Maggie chirped with laughter.

Eoin pushed through the door and hastened to the hearth. “I’ll just add a couple of logs to the fire. ’Tis really starting to blow a gale.”

Helen used a cloth to finish bathing Maggie and avoid further incidents with the soap.

Eoin finished his task and sat across from her. A rolling laugh snorted through his nose. “What happened to you?”

Helen touched her fingers to her forehead and wiped off a blob of soap. “You think that’s funny do you?”

Maggie splashed her hands and water sloshed across Eoin’s shirt. He gaped at the bairn. “So now you’re after me are you?” He dipped his fingers in the water and flicked it at Helen. “I think Miss Maggie rather enjoys getting us wet.”

As if on cue, Maggie clapped both hands in the water and, with rolling laughter, doused them both.

“Look at this.” Helen gestured to her soaked apron with a snort. “I do believe the wee lass wants us to join her whether ’tis proper or nay.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Aleck had wasted no time establishing his rule over his new lands on the Isle of Islay. Only after he’d felt confident there would be no retribution by the locals did he finally head for home to celebrate his victory at Mingary. Everything had fallen into place for him in the past month. Aleck threw his head back and laughed. He cared not what his men

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