Highland Escape - Cathy MacRae Page 0,69

face he was certain would never leave. Then he heard the sweetest words to ever reach his ears. She loved him so much it frightened her. Her confession put him in such a state of elation he shook.

But her next words doused his joy like tossing it into a loch in the dead of winter. I will always be a warrior. Duncan immediately heard his da’s words echo in his head. I think there is not much the lass cannae do. She could very well be yer greatest joy, and yer greatest frustration. She willnae submit to any man easily. Ye might have an easier time fighting dragons.

The calm part of him reminded him this was still a hunt. Though much was accomplished between them tonight, there was plenty yet to fathom, to untangle. Wisdom advised him to savor her love, to continue to nurture the trust they had developed and save future battles for the days ahead. Let the fact she reflected the same love and passion be enough—for now.

“Ye cannae possibly know how happy yer words make me, my love.”

Anna drew back. “All of them?” The familiar rumbling in his chest returned, as he laughed at her question, lighting the flame within.

“We dinnae have to decide our entire future tonight. I am more than content to know ye love me as I love ye, and recognize we belong together. The rest we will negotiate as we go, aye?”

She smiled, spotting the evasive tactic as he spoke it. He was right, there would be plenty of time to work out their relationship. He now knew she would not become a submissive lady of the keep if they wed. A sudden thought leapt to her mind. She needed to make sure there were no misunderstandings.

“Duncan, I was brought up in the church. I am aware of the differences between Scottish and English traditions. I will not agree to merely a handfast. If we join, ’twill be a permanent marriage, agreed?”

The warmth of his smile allayed her fears. “’Twould be an insult to offer such to ye, my heart. When we marry, ’twill be in the kirk, in front of God and our clan for life. I will be faithful and committed to only ye. Ye have my word. Besides, I have no intention of giving ye an opportunity to leave me.”

Anna grabbed his shirt and smiled. “I match your pledge of fidelity with my own. You should know I would maim any woman who tried to come between us.” She rose on her toes to kiss him. “I am not a biddable woman, Duncan MacGregor.”

“’Tis one of the reasons I love ye.”

This kiss started like others they shared, but quickly became more. It was as if he had earlier held back both his words and expressions of love. His kiss claimed, possessed and branded her as his. Anna backed him away from the camp, out of sight of the men. Her hands found their way under his leine and struggled to take it off. She assailed his mouth with hers, taking what she wanted, what she needed. He gripped her wrists and broke off their kiss.

“We cannae. If we continue, I willnae be able to stop. I wish to protect yer virtue until our wedding night.” His voice darkened.

“I did not mean—I am sorry,” Anna murmured, shocked at her wanton behavior.

“Dinnae apologize. One of the greatest gifts a woman can give her man is to match him passion for passion. ’Tis too soon to release it, but I dinnae want ye to have the misunderstanding I wish anything less than the fire ye demonstrate when we are alone.”

Once again, his words soothed her fears, helping her regain her confidence. “You know not what you ask for. After we are wed, I fully intend to burn you night after night with the very fire you speak of.”

He spun her about, embracing her from behind.

“Do I have permission to announce our betrothal?” he breathed into her ear.

She leaned into him, feeling his arousal prodding her bottom.

“If you do, Duncan MacGregor, there is no turning back.”

“Ye have no idea how I have longed to hear ye say those words.” He kissed her on the cheek and led her back to camp. “I must warn ye, the men will refer to ye as ‘Lady’ again, now we are to be wed.”

Her head giddily in the clouds, she chose to ignore this information. As they approached the camp, the men glanced their way, trying not

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