Highland Escape - Cathy MacRae Page 0,65

A man like Angus needed a lesson on how to treat women. Which do you think would present the more effective lesson, my lord, a thrashing from you, or one from the very woman he offended?” Anger surged through her. He was telling her not to defend herself?

“Arrrghh!” Duncan pushed away from the well. His body tensed, his hands opening and closing tightly. He scrubbed his face again and took a deep breath before facing her. “Aye, the more effective lesson was for him to be humbled by the verra lass he handled roughly. Dinnae expect me to like it.”

At his confession, Anna immediately softened. Anger bled away and she walked straight into his chest and placed her arms around him. He returned her embrace fiercely. Leaning her head back, she peered at his face. Seeing his scowl still present, she kissed him on the chin. She looked up again, but his remained expression unchanged. She pressed light kisses on his cheeks, his nose, his neck, until he relaxed. Sensing his acceptance, she pulled back slightly to gaze into his eyes.

“It is hard for you to accept I am not a weak woman always in need of your protection, even though we train together daily and you know what I am capable of,” she whispered.

“Aye,” he grumbled.

“You were there to protect me if I did not succeed in the lesson.” She punctuated her statement with a kiss on his cheek. “You were there to protect me if any of the others joined the fray.” Another kiss touched his jaw. “You did protect me. But like you, I do not back down from a challenge. I would not ask you to do so, and would guard your life as if it were my own. I only ask the same.”

He shook his head. “What am I to do with ye, Anna Braxton?” A corner of his lips quirked upward in question.

Her eyes sparkled with invitation. “Kiss me, I hope, sir knight.”

The next morning, Anna rose and descended the stairs to the hall to eat, meeting Liam, Donnan, and Rory along the way. The rest of their group followed shortly after. Bowls of oat porridge with fresh fruit, cream, and honey awaited. She saved a bit of cream for Trean, who bedded down in the stall with Orion.

“The laird wishes to see us off this morn,” Duncan announced.

They lingered in the hall while the wagons were readied. Duncan caught Anna’s hand, leaning into her so no one else could hear.

“Da wanted me to wait and assess the Graham laird’s reaction to ye before proceeding. He has written a missive to yer grandda, briefly explaining where ye are.”

All the air left Anna’s body, and her stomach clenched as though she’d been punched. Fear clouded the edges of her vision as she gave Duncan an apprehensive look.

“He left it in my hands, but said not to carry on without yer consent. The message is coded so if read by anyone else, they willnae understand it. We think yer family should know ye are alive and well. Do ye agree?”

She couldn’t find her voice so she nodded, her eyes wide. Putting his arm around her comfortingly, he gave her a tender smile.

“It seems everywhere ye go, ye inspire strong feelings. The Grahams are amused by the way ye handled Angus. The laird feels a debt to ye for yer care of his commander and people. I have nae doubt we can trust him to deliver our message with the strictest confidence as thanks for yer services.”

Anna fought to push back her distress, moisture welling in her eyes. “I—I trust your judgment, Duncan. I would like nothing more than to allay the sorrows of my remaining family.”

Placing a kiss on her forehead, he gave her shoulders another squeeze.

The Graham appeared with a dark-haired young man at his side. He introduced him as his son Blaine, of one-and-twenty years. His merry eyes matched the color of his short, dark brown hair, his smile quick and infectious. The laird turned the discussion to a possible marriage between his son and Nessa. Her sense of protectiveness instantly aroused, Anna assessed the young man. He seemed bright and respectful to both Duncan and his father. His eyes met hers more than once, no doubt having heard the news of her encounter with Angus. He smiled when their eyes met, though she merely nodded in acknowledgement. Anna knew Nessa would pester her with questions, so she wanted to see the

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