Highland Escape - Cathy MacRae Page 0,64

the room and his eyes narrowed as he took in her appearance. “The men tell me I have ye to thank for my life.”

Remembering Neil’s claims, she merely nodded. “’Tis true I tended your wound, Commander. However, the men insisted your survival is due to the hardness of your head rather than my efforts.” Anna gave him a grin, ignoring the surprised looks on the guards’ faces at her words.

The commander’s face broke into something likely intended to be a smile, though it arrived as a grimace. “Och, now I see ye and a wee bit of yer character, ’tis easier to believe ye able to best Angus. How I would have loved to have seen that great lug lowered a peg or two. I owe ye a debt of thanks for saving me life, and for humbling one of me more difficult men.”

Anna offered a brief bow. “Glad to be of service, Commander. You no doubt have a concussion, and will need to stay away from your duties a sennight or more. Watch for blurred vision, nausea, light sensitivity and headaches. You should not go back to your post until these subside. Resuming duty too soon will make these effects linger longer than they should. Your healer can give you poppy tea if the pain becomes too severe, otherwise bark tea will ease the pain enough to be tolerable.”

“Aye, I have seen my share of head injuries and understand. My thanks again for yer care.”

Anna nodded. “Your men and laird speak highly of you. ’Tis my pleasure to serve clan Graham.” She started to leave the room, then turned back with a smile. “I kept the stitches as fine as possible so your scar doesn’t scare the lasses over-much.”

The commander stifled a laugh, though the other two men in the room guffawed loudly.

“Duncan has told some of us about yer sparring together,” Iain said as they walked back to the hall. “I hope ye consider joining the rest of us in the future. Though some would refuse to train with a woman, many of us would welcome the opportunity to test our skill against ye. Mayhap learn a wee bit as well. I have never seen anyone do to a man what ye did to the Graham today, and he twice your size.”

“I would be happy to demonstrate, Iain, as I get bored besting Duncan all the time.”

Iain shook his head and chuckled. Anna grinned.

“Mayhap when we stop to camp tomorrow night we can work a bit. As far as training with the rest of the men, that is the laird’s decision. I would welcome it but do not want to create more conflict with my presence than I already have. If I cannot train with the main group, perhaps the laird will permit a smaller group. I will ask Duncan.”

They reported to the laird his commander’s condition, then were shown guest chambers for the night. Anna’s room had a fire already lit, and a maid escorted her to the bathing chamber near the kitchen. Having slept on the ground the past two nights, a bath and bed sounded welcoming.

After her bath, Anna dressed and returned to her room. She spotted Duncan leaning against the wall outside her door. She gave him a quizzing glance, trying to gauge his mood.

“May I speak with ye?” he asked.

“Of course. I would ask you in, but ’twould not be proper.”

He nodded, motioning to the stairs. They headed through the hall and outside. She wondered what he had in mind. The thought of kissing him rose to the surface as it always did of late, and her body tingled with anticipation. Stopping beside the well in the center of the bailey, he turned to face her. From his stern look, kisses were not what he had in mind. Anna assumed a defensive posture, waiting for the scold she knew to be forthcoming.

“Anna, I would speak with ye about this afternoon.”

She raised her eyebrows and leaned her head slightly toward him in invitation.

“Ye took on a man twice yer size, surrounded by his lads.” Frustration crept into his voice.

“And what would you have me do, Duncan? Take his abuse and insults?” She crossed both arms over her chest.

Duncan scrubbed his face twice before answering. “Nae, ye should have let me handle him. Ye are adopted by our clan. We are courting. Both those things mean ye are under my protection.”

Anna narrowed her gaze. “You watched closely today. You saw I did not require assistance.

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