Highland Escape - Cathy MacRae Page 0,61

and made poultices to ward off infection. Finishing at last, Anna moved to Shaw. She glanced at the mother’s tear-stained cheeks as she bent over her son in prayer. Her heart lurched with pity for this young mother and child.

Used to treating grown men after battle, Anna found the sight of a boy on the table more difficult to stomach. Shoving aside such feelings, Anna cleaned her needle and thread and closed the cut on his arm. When finished, she conducted a more thorough examination, feeling for any bruises or hardening of the body in the soft areas. She discovered a small knot on the back of his head, but nothing of a more serious nature.

“Shaw has a small lump on his head. His heartbeat and breathing remain strong. He appears to be healthy. I see no reason why he should not come around soon.”

At this news, the woman burst into tears. “Thank ye, milady, how can I ever thank ye enough?”

Uncomfortable with the woman’s praise, especially since her son had not woken yet, Anna replied, “Thank me when Shaw is awake and well again. You may stay until he rouses.” She glanced at a guard, who nodded agreement.

Walking over to a basin, she cleaned the blood from her hands and arms. A serving woman brought several mugs and a pitcher of ale. Anna filled a cup and drank deeply, dropping onto a bench closest to the guard with the head wound. A tray with a loaf of bread and round of cheese arrived for them to eat while they waited. She glanced at Iain. He gave her a nod and a smile.

Shaw stirred first. “Mam?” he called out softly.

“I am here, Shaw, I am here,” his mother answered with tears of relief.

Anna rose to check on her young charge. Certain he suffered no more than the bump on his head and the cut, she made him drink a cup of willow bark tea. His grimace from the bitter drink reassured her, so she released him into his mother’s care.

With only the unconscious guard left, she sat and waited. For the first time she noticed the four other guards standing around him. “Who is this man to your clan?”

“He is one of our commanders, milady. Our captain will thank ye personally for yer timely treatment and care.”

“What is your name, and his?”

“He is Ronald, and I am Neil, milady.” He bowed slightly, his smile warm.

“I will tell you, Neil, as I told Shaw’s mother. You can thank me when your commander is awake and out of danger.”

His face turned serious. “’Tis in God’s hands now, whether he lives or dies. His chances would be naught if ye hadnae arrived to take charge an’ stop the bleeding. Our healer wouldnae have gotten here in time. If he lives, ’twill be because of yer efforts.”

Anna smiled in return, knowing better than to argue with a soldier. Fatigue settled in.

“Are the commander’s quarters close, or is there perhaps a bed nearby we can move him to?” She knew it would probably be several hours, perhaps days, before he woke, if ever.

“His quarters are in the guard tower, but there are small guest rooms just off this hall.”

Fetching a litter, the guards moved their commander up one floor to a small but cozy room with a fireplace, single bed and table. Once he was settled, Anna addressed Neil. “There is nothing more I can do for him at the moment. I would like to find my clansmen.”

“I was ordered to bring yer group to the laird’s hall when ye finished tending the commander. The laird has requested ye dine with him this eve.”

Motioning for him to lead the way, she followed him into the bailey and toward the stables where Duncan and the men awaited with their carts and horses.

“Ach, there ye are. Liam told us what happened. Is everyone well?” Duncan asked. His voice echoed with possessiveness, his face a partial scowl.

Anna quirked a brow but took his offered hand. “All will be, but for the commander. He suffered a hard blow to the head and a vicious cut. I think he will live, but know not when he will awaken.”

Neil led them through the double oak doors and into the great hall. A score or so men sat on stools and benches around trestle tables, eating. As their group walked past the seated men, a deep voice bellowed, “Wench, why are ye dressed like a man? Come here, and I will teach

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