Highland Escape - Cathy MacRae Page 0,58

address me as Lady Anna, but merely Anna. I am not a titled noblewoman here. Doing so brings attention I would rather not have.”

By the shocked looks on their faces, one would have thought the oatcakes they ate suddenly turned sour. To a man, they all looked at Duncan for confirmation.

He shrugged his shoulders. “As she wishes. I can see her point.”

Uneasily, the men returned to their food, finishing quickly.

By midday, they arrived at Graham village. The Graham keep was a third again larger than the MacGregor stronghold. The market stood in the center of town, more than a furlong away from the walls of the large castle. The lanes were crowded with tents of every color and many permanent stalls with people barking out their goods.

Within a few hours, Duncan had a price on the horses, secured more wool than anticipated and sold or traded everything else. The barrels of wine requested by his father replaced the barrels of whisky and mead. New fabrics and spices, along with grains and other produce not grown by the MacGregors, were added to the wagons.

The village was much larger than the MacGregor village, but then the Lowlands were more populous. It made Anna wonder if an alliance with the Grahams involving Nessa was truly being considered. She recognized creating a bond was a good idea, if for no other reason than to bolster the border between the Lowlands and Highlands, and securing future trade. It also made sense from a strategic viewpoint.

Anna decided to hold her judgment until she got to know the Grahams better. The thought of Nessa marrying into a clan where she was treated less than she should raised her ire. She chuckled at her strong feelings of protectiveness. After a little more than a month, they truly were sisters.

After watching Duncan barter and trade goods, she was ready to explore. Handing Trean and Orion to Rory to be taken to the stable, she presented Duncan with her intent. He reached into his sporran.

“Here, take these coins. Find my mother and sister something ye think they would favor. I will be flayed alive if we dinnae come back with gifts for them.” The twinkle in his eyes hinted he only partially jested. “And if you see something ye fancy, buy it.”

She immediately frowned at his offer of money and opened her mouth to argue. He put a finger to her lips.

“Consider it payment for providing guard duty. I will be paying the others, so anything ye like, consider it payment, aye?” With a slight nod, he motioned Iain to accompany her.

Irritation immediately flared within. “Iain, you know I do not need tending like some child.”

“Aye, lass ye dinnae, but the laird’s orders are we never travel alone on another’s lands. ’Tis the same for any of us. The fact the laird calls ye daughter doubles the order. Plus, there’s the wee bit o’ value Duncan places on ye.” He gave her a teasing wink.

Knowing none were allowed to venture alone pacified her. Since they were stuck together, Anna enlisted Iain’s help securing gifts.

“Iain, does a lady wait for you back home?” she teased.

“Aye, there is a bonny lass I have spent time with the past couple o’ months,” he replied cautiously.

“And does this bonny lass have a name?”

Quirking an eyebrow, he answered, “Her name is Colina.”

Anna smiled sweetly. “Duncan has charged me with finding gifts for Nessa and Lady MacGregor. Perhaps we could find something for Colina while we are about. Unless you do not wish her to think more of your affections than she should.”

Anna knew she was terrible at such flirting, but it was fun watching Iain squirm. She would know soon enough if Colina was important to him or not. She recalled Nessa and Isla discussing them and knew Colina’s heart was engaged. She could at least investigate Iain’s intentions. She would thrill the girls if she contributed to their gossip. The smile creeping across his face suggested he held more than a passing fancy for the woman.

“Tis a good suggestion, Lady…er, Anna, but I am at a loss what to seek.”

She considered for a moment what Nessa enjoyed. “What do you like most about her, Iain?”

He looked slightly away before answering, a witless smile on his face.

“I like the way her soft body feels in my hands.” His hands came up to chest level, as if she was there to embrace. He immediately stopped himself, a look of embarrassment on his face. “My apologies, lass.

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