Highland Escape - Cathy MacRae Page 0,34

fair solution. I will be happy to pay, of course.”

Duncan tilted his head. “My da willnae allow ye to pay for anything. We owe ye Nessa’s life. He was quite serious about accepting ye as his daughter. He would no more let ye pay for such a necessity than he would Nessa. Ye are under our care.”

Anna’s brow furrowed deeply. “Then I will have to engage in some activity to earn my keep. I have no desire to rely upon the laird’s generosity, only to have him resent it in the future. Particularly when the memory of his gratitude toward me fades. If I am to consider living here, I must have a role to fill. I will not simply be under anyone’s care. Nessa’s value as a daughter and future wife to a neighboring clan is obvious. My worth is less so. I refuse to be a burden and will not be married off to form an alliance.” Her words rang with determination. She meant every one of them.

Chapter 9

The thought of Anna married to someone else sent a shudder down Duncan’s spine. He hadn’t considered the idea his father might arrange a marriage for her or accept an offer from another clan. He was certain she wouldn’t accept, but the suggestion disturbed him far more than he expected.

The raw power of his reaction startled him, and he clenched his hands. He would seek out his father to ask exactly what he had in mind for Anna. His horse sidestepped and tossed his head nervously. Duncan guiltily loosened the reins he fisted.

He realized he hadn’t answered her question. “I thought this might be the case. We could consider a few roles for ye. Though I should warn ye, my father possesses a rather long memory; he willnae forget. Should the possibility exist, my mother will be happy to remind him.”

Anna eyed him curiously. Duncan raised a single finger.

“Fiona, our village healer, is good at tending expectant mothers and delivering babies. She has a passable knowledge of herbal remedies, but she doesnae possess the range of healing skills ye have. Ye would be a highly regarded member of our clan should ye assist her. People who would otherwise die might live because of ye. ’Tis a powerful gift.” He nodded, the idea pleasing him. “I could see our allies bringing their more seriously ill and wounded for ye to tend. Having such a healer would make ye very valuable to our ties with neighboring clans.”

Anna’s lips pursed, thoughtful. “I like this idea very much. Healing is a skill which demands regular use to stay keen.”

Duncan held up a second finger. “Ye are also more learned than anyone in the clan. Yer services as a clerk would be useful, reading and writing treaties and trade agreements with other clans. The laird gave me leave to arrange such a contract with a merchant in Stirling. He owns a tavern and inn and has shown an interest in our blend of whisky. ’Twould be a boon for us to have such an agreement, giving us a steady source of coin. Whilst I am confident in my reading and writing skills, I am not as sure with the Latin often used in such pacts. It can be tricky, with one or two words changing the whole meaning of an agreement.”

“How do you know I am more accomplished than you in Latin?”

Duncan ducked his head slightly, giving her a smirk. “I must confess, I have heard ye a time or two teaching my sister.”

“Eavesdropping? You listened in on our conversations?” Anna’s voice rose.

“Aye, when I heard ye speak Latin it stirred my curiosity. I dinnae make a habit of listening at doorways, but hearing ye drew me in. I meant no offense.”

Anna eyed him speculatively. Duncan quickly changed the subject, holding up three fingers. “Finally, I see how ye are with yer horse. I assume ye trained him?”

Anna nodded, a confident curve to her mouth. “Yes, I have spent time around the stables since I was old enough to walk and have assisted many foals into the world.”

“Ye could have a hand in the care and training of our horses if ye wish. Though beyond yer own, I cannae permit ye to muck stalls. Otherwise, our stable lads would be out of a job,” he added with a crooked smile, hoping to make light of their earlier disagreement.

“I like all of these ideas. I agree to your proposal on one condition.”

Duncan laughed. “I cannae wait

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