Highland Escape - Cathy MacRae Page 0,21

toward the stairs to Nessa’s room. Murmurs of speculation followed, fading as he ascended the stairs.

He took in the blood on her face and clothing and fought back the fury eating away at his control. His murderous rage gave way to an all-consuming need to comfort and safeguard her. Though he knew most of the blood on her clothes belonged to Alain, the knowledge did little to allay his concern.

He shook from the raw emotion of having her in his arms. He had no idea what was happening to him, but knew she belonged there. He hefted her to one side as he opened the door. She weighed more than he thought, her arms and legs surprisingly thick with muscle. This was no delicate lass, but a sturdy woman with a warrior’s body.

He laid her gently upon the extra bed in Nessa’s room. Feeling helpless, Duncan struggled between his need to seek revenge and his need to hold her again. At his mother’s light touch, he pulled out of his conflicting thoughts.

“Da wishes ye to care for her.” The gruffness of his voice surprised him. He’d never used such a tone with his mother. He detected the puzzled expression on his mother’s face, knowing she caught the swirl of emotion in his eyes.

After a long silence she finally spoke, though barely above a whisper. “Leave her with us. We will see to her.”

Inclining his head respectfully, Duncan left Anna in the care of his mother and sister. Skirting the main hall, he tossed a bridle on his stallion and rode to the loch. Stripping, he plunged into the icy depths, teeth gritted against the cold. Lungs near bursting, he surfaced and released a howl, venting the frustration of unfulfilled battle lust. The frigid water washed away the immediate rage coursing through him. The cold anger remaining would not be slaked until he killed the bastard for hurting her.

The powerful memory of Anna in his arms did not diminish. He thought of the softness of her skin, of the flood of rightness of having her in his arms. Closing his eyes, Duncan vowed to do everything in his power to have her there again.

His instincts to protect her continued to dredge up memories and guilt about his brother, Callum, tormenting him further. Though never far from his thoughts, for some reason Anna’s presence brought Callum to the fore of his mind. Perhaps a good night’s sleep would help him gain a better view on things in the light of a new day. The knowledge that Anna lay in a proper bed and received care, allowed him some measure of peace.

Alain gathered his belongings, placing them on his horse. He could think of only one place to go—his mother’s clan outside of Edinburgh. One uncle and a few cousins still lived, he knew. He faced at least a three-day ride, if not four. ’Twould give him plenty of time to think on his situation. Time to plan his revenge on MacGregor and the English bitch he’d brought back for his son. Based on what MacGregor said earlier this night, there would be people interested in her whereabouts. Interested enough to perhaps pay handsomely.

The trick would be to find out who would offer coin for such information, then be paid without getting killed in the process. If the interested party were to need Scottish allies to kidnap the wench, even better. Though trickier, it would mean a bigger purse, with the opportunity for personal revenge. Yes, ’twould take some planning to be done right. Alain vowed MacGregor and his new whore would pay in blood.

Chapter 6

Pain and light leaked through one of Anna’s eyelids. As she moved, a wave of nausea swept through her. She rolled over and retched into a conveniently placed bucket. By the condition of the container, she had done so before, but had no memory of it. Giving her stomach a moment to settle, she tried to take stock of her injury and surroundings.

Tentatively raising a hand to her face, she touched swollen, tender flesh. A surge of memory returned. Dry-mouthed, she licked her lips, and the sting of a split lip answered. She tried to rise but gentle hands pushed her down, placing a cool, wet cloth over her damaged eye.

“Shhh, lie still. Ye are safe here.”

A feminine voice, one she’d heard before. Turning her head slightly, Anna searched for the source and recognized the young woman she’d rescued a sennight ago. The girl smiled.

“I am

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