Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,64

to be a pair. And when our marriage crumbled, I’m ashamed to admit, I was embarrassed to come back.

It took time, and I finally gave it another chance. But it’s not the same. I don’t feel… welcomed. It’s as though they’re watching and sizing me up. Wondering why my Submissive left me. Wondering how I failed.

My own insecurities have kept me from bringing my sweet treasure here. But I’m willing to offer her this. I think it will help her. Not only to learn how a true Submissive and Dominant interact, but also to watch various erotic encounters. She needs the experience. I know it will help her.

“Where’s your Submissive?” Dahlia asks Isaac as a waitress brings the menus and sets them in front of each of us. The easiness from the other night is finally starting to creep back into Dahlia’s demeanor. Dahlia doesn’t move to take hers. Good girl. I want to pick for her. I want something divine for her tonight.

“Could I get you anything to drink, sirs?” the waitress asks.

“A whiskey on the rocks for me,” I answer easily. The waitress nods her head and then looks back to Isaac.

“I think just a water for now,” he says. Club X has a three-drink maximum. Any more and you aren’t able to enter the club. Only the dining hall.

“What’s your favorite drink?” I lean down and ask Dahlia. The waitress is waiting, and I know she won’t write anything down until I agree to whatever it is that Dahlia says.

“My favorite?” she asks, and then hums as she thinks of her answer. “A margarita, but I don’t-”

Isaac laughs in his seat, interrupting her and I take the opportunity to tell the waitress, “A margarita, please.”

“Frozen, or on ice?” she asks.

I look to my Submissive and she answers the waitress, “Frozen, with salt, please.”

“Salt?” Isaac asks, “Is there any other way?”

“Some of my friends like sugar.” Isaac makes a face that mirrors my distaste.

“So?” Dahlia looks at Isaac, “your Submissive?”

“I haven’t got one,” Isaac says with a smile that’s plastered on. It’s not meant to be there. Isaac has been soft lately. Ever since his last Submissive. He’s been unwilling to take another.

“Oh, are you going to…” Dahlia stops talking as we both watch her, waiting for what’s next. In my time with her, she’s seemed so confident and poised. But she’s not in this atmosphere. I need to fix that. Yet one more instance in which I’ve failed her.

“Buy one?” he asks.

Dahlia nods her head. “Yes, at auction?”

Isaac frowns and shakes his head. “I doubt it. I’m just enjoying the company and helping where I can.”

I grunt a laugh. He doesn’t want the responsibility anymore. He’s missing out, and he knows it. But I can’t blame him when I did the same thing.

At least I didn’t come here though.

“Oh, how do you help?” Dahlia asks with genuine curiosity.

“Shows and demonstrations.”

“Isaac is an expert with the whip.” Dahlia shifts slightly at my mention of the whip. And it forces a smirk to my lips.

As the waitress comes and gently sets our drinks down one at a time from a large silver tray, Dahlia’s phone rings. Her eyes dart to mine, and I nod slightly.

“I’m sorry.”

“Nothing to be sorry for. If I didn’t want your phone on, I would have made that clear.” I lean closer to her, cupping her chin in my hand. “I think you should be in the habit of listening for your phone though, my sweet treasure.” Her face brightens with a beautiful pink as I quickly kiss her lips and release her.

The uneasiness of the day settles against my chest as I lift my whiskey to my lips, the scent filling my lungs. I throw it back, knowing she’s not alright. We aren’t alright. This isn’t an easy fix, and I’m going to have to be slow and patient. Two things I’ve never been very good at.

I lock eyes with Isaac as Dahlia busies herself looking in her purse. Isaac’s worked in security for so long and dealt with a number of victims. I’m sure he has an opinion of my sweet treasure. He’s a good man, and he hated to tell me what happened to her. I haven’t talked to him since earlier, and I can see the questions in his eyes.

I give him an imperceptible nod. I know she’s going to be alright. I’ll make damn sure of it.

His shoulders relax slightly, and his relief is evident. I wrap my arm around

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