Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,320

lips. And I know full well the words that just slipped past my lips are nothing but a deception.

I said them only to get her to cave to me. I want her to submit to me. I can feel that darkness in me rising. A possessive side is controlling me. And I don’t stop it. I don’t even want to suppress it.

She’s making me weak. And for the first time in my life, I don’t give a fuck.

Chapter 24


Let me spoil you, sweetheart.

Zander’s words run through my mind, causing warmth to flow through my chest. I told him yes, only for the contract. But that was a lie. I want to get lost in his world and become his plaything. I want to fulfill his every desire; all while being spoiled by him. It’s a fantasy and it’s dangerous to get lost in it, but I am. I’m becoming consumed with the thought of being his and losing sight on what the reality of this situation is.

Each day that passes I feel more at ease, wanting more and more of what he has to offer.

I suck in a deep breath as I gaze out the floor-to-ceiling windows, remembering the way he looked at me the other day. There was something in his eyes. Something that told me what we have feels real. I want to believe it. But it’s too good to be true. And like most things that are too good to be true, it’s easy to be fooled. I don’t want to be that girl, hoping and wishing for something that can never be, all while ignoring the truth. Everyone knows that in real life there are no Prince Charmings and no knights in shining armor. Still, I’m drawn to him like a moth to a flame.

“There you are,” says Zander’s deep voice behind me.

I turn around with my eyes closed, wanting to believe in the fantasy. And when I open them, I’m lost in the world I want. In the make-believe. He’s leaning against the doorjamb in the doorway, wearing dress pants and a matching dress shirt, looking classically handsome and sexy as fuck. My breath halts in my lungs, refusing to leave the moment. This is real. If only I could hold onto it.

“Here I am,” I say, flashing a light smile, ignoring my racing heart, the fear and every other thing that’s going to rip us apart and leave me shredded into nothingness. I can pretend. For him.

Zander grins at me, walking over to deliver a warm kiss on my lips. I like this smile. There’s something different about it than the way he smiles at everyone else. This one is just for me. I think it's the way his eyes brighten and the skin around them wrinkles. I nearly melt into his hard body, my knees going weak from that look.

When he pulls away, I’m breathless and feeling drunk on lust. If he wanted to take me right here, right now, I wouldn’t dare object.

“Are you ready to go see the studio?” he asks me, gently rubbing my arm and causing sparks to flow through my body.

I gaze up into his eyes, seeing the caring warmth reflected there.

All the questions are right there, on the tip of my tongue. Is he going to keep me afterward? Does this feel the same to him? I’m falling into a dark abyss and I’m terrified; I just want to know that he’ll catch me. But closing my eyes and imagining he will makes the fall that much easier, that much more enjoyable. Even if there’s nothing but the hard, cold unforgiving ground there to meet me when this is all over.

His eyes stare back at me as the questions makes my stomach flutter, but my lips stay closed tight. My heart is clenching in agony because I already know the answers, I already know the truth.

And I refuse to appear ungrateful. He’s gone through the trouble to rent a studio for me. I won’t ruin the moment.

Besides, I want to live in the fantasy.

Before I can reply, my cell goes off in my pocket.

“Sorry,” I tell Zander, fishing it out, my fingers fumbling with the tight jeans.

Zander’s low, rough chuckle makes my cheeks heat. How does he do this to me? All that warmth leaves me in a sharp wave as I check the screen, my blood running cold.

Seeing the look on my face, Zander asks, “Who is it?” I hear his words, but I don’t want

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