Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,316

no idea such a thing could cost so much.

“I thought you’d like them,” I answer her simply.

She tilts her head, focusing all of her attention on me as she puts it all to the side and rises to her knees, pulling the comforter with her and planting a small, chaste kiss on my lips.

My eyes stay open the entire time and although her lips are pursed, I swear she doesn’t stop smiling. She pulls back quickly, that beautiful red flush all over her skin and says softly, “Thank you. I love them.”

I stare at her a long moment, realizing how genuinely happy she is with such a small gift. But the clock from the nightstand calls my attention with the faint click of the hand.

Late. I’m late.

Reality sets in, and I give her a nod. “I’m happy you like them. I’ve got to be going now.”

An awkward tension settles between us.

“Do you want me to go?” she asks, the warm color fading and a wall of armor slowly rising around her. The small moment is over, enjoyable though it was.

“No,” I say, but even I can hear the hesitation in my voice. I strengthen it as I add, “You can stay for as long as you like.”

I lean forward, my legs pushing against the bed making it groan and a hand bracing myself on the bed. I cup her jaw with my other hand to kiss her quickly, pulling back slightly and staring at her lips for just a moment. She doesn’t open her eyes until I let her go.

Chapter 22


I run my fingers over the paintbrushes, my gift from Zander. They’re the most beautiful brushes I’ve ever seen, with high quality mahogany handles, exquisite markings and fine, durable bristles. I press them to my chest, a fuzzy feeling swirling in the pit of my stomach. I feel like a stupid little girl, but I don’t care. It’s nice to be given something that means so much. Even if it didn’t mean much to him.

These are even better than the gown Zander gifted me. And I can see myself putting them to good use, already thinking about the masterpieces I’ll paint. I’ll cherish them long after this contract is over.

When this is over.

The thought makes me sick to my stomach. I’m getting used to Zander and his charming personality, and I feel like I’m just starting to get to know him.

But do you really know him? says that annoying voice in the back of my head. This is all supposed to be fake, a make-believe courtship. You can’t really know a man who is hiding behind a facade.

I chew my lower lip, dropping the brushes into my lap.

I don’t want to believe that everything Zander says or does is inauthentic. When he looks at me, fire burning in his eyes, it looks real. Each time I’m with him, I can feel the emotion emanating from him. I feel the connection we have between each other. It can’t be fake, can it? Why would he ask me to stay as long as I like, if it was make-believe?

Because he wants you to believe it’s real.

I don’t know what to believe at this point. I feel so many conflicting emotions. I want Zander. And I want him to truly want me, too. But I know less about him than I do about Danny. And that doesn’t sit well with me.

The voice resurfaces with, Well, you have the whole house to yourself, why don’t you find out?

For once, I agree with the voice. I set the brushes aside and roll out of bed, my feet causing the floor to creak as I slip on one of his shirts and walk out of the bedroom and into the hall.

I take a tour of the house, going room from room looking around for anything untoward, taken in by the opulence. I’m really impressed with the house, every room filled with expensive furniture and superbly decorated. It’s large, luxurious and beautiful. But after a while, it starts to feel empty. There are too many rooms for just one man. Zander has to be lonely living here.

But he has me now.

I huff out a chuckle at my wishful thinking as I run my hand over a painted glass vase in one of the extra bedrooms. I bet it costs more than what I make in a month. For how long will he have me? A month? Two? I shake my head. It might be not much longer

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