Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,310

“You gave her to me, remember?”

My teeth slam against one another so hard that I swear they’ll crack. He merely grins back at me, blood coating his teeth on the right side of his crooked smile.

As I talk, I can feel warm blood trickle from under my nose. My instant reaction is to slam him back against the wall, and I do it just to get the aggression out. “You owe me, and you’ll pay me by the twenty-fifth.” I decide then that even if I can’t convince her not to give him the money, I won’t accept it. I’ll wait to pay her, I’ll refuse to do it until after Brooks has paid me.

“Sure,” he says with a glint in his eyes.

“I won’t be paying Arianna, so you’ll need to come up with that money some other way,” I speak without thinking, holding his gaze and watching the arrogant expression morph into fear. It doesn’t matter if or when I transfer the money to Arianna, I won’t let him steal from her. I won’t let him use her. Not anymore.

I let go of him when the fear is so strong that his body is stiff. I glance at myself in the mirror and see a black eye already forming, blood on my face and also my dress shirt. Fuck!

“And then what? What are you really going to do about it?” he asks as I grab a few paper towels and wipe the blood from under my nose. He doesn’t move off the wall as he hisses, “I don’t have the fucking money.”

I don’t answer him. I won’t ever say it out loud. I’ll kill him. Not for the debt, but for what he’s done to her.

“We had a deal,” he pushes the words through clenched teeth. “You have her and you can’t go back on that!”

It hits me then what I’ve done. How I’ve lost control. I’ve provided evidence. Security cameras are littered in this building. Fuck!

“Payne?” Brooks calls out to me, but I ignore him. He means for it to come out strong as he stays behind me, standing tall and putting on a front, but his voice cracks with fear.

Tossing the paper towel into the trash, I open the door and almost make a quick right turn. I hesitate in the doorway. I need to get the fuck out of here; I can’t be seen like this. But I need to get Arianna. The sound of another man coming down the small hallway makes me move. I have five minutes. If I don’t have her in my grasp in five minutes, I’m coming back.

I keep my hand up, my fingers pinching the bridge of my nose and covering my face. To any onlookers, I hope it looks as if I have a headache. The cool air from the outside breezes by me as I get closer to the exit and a couple walks in.

I ignore them, I can’t even see who they are and I don’t give a fuck.

As soon as I get outside, I spot my limo and walk straight to it. I keep my strides wide and my pace fast. It’s on the far left of the parking lot and the valet and a few guests are on my right, the sounds of them chatting and the brighter lights of the entrance dimming as I walk farther into the darkened lot.

I notice Marcus look up and see me, a surprised look on his face as I finally lower my hand and wipe under my nose. Dark red blood smears across the arm of my jacket.

That fucker. My steps are hard as I stalk toward the limo, my blood fueled with the desire to go back. I clench and unclench my hands before reaching for my phone. My sweetheart.

Thank fuck for Lucian.

As Marcus opens the door, not daring to look me in the eyes, I slip the phone from my pocket, only then realizing my knuckles are cracked and there’s blood on them, too.

My blood runs cold as I settle into the seat. The door closes shut with a loud click and silences the cabin of the limo as I dial his number.

“Lucian,” I say and press the phone close to my ear as I stare at the entrance, the light from the large glass doors and windows spilling out into the night.

“Zander?” he says and his voice is filled with surprise. Which is a good thing. It calms my racing heart.

“Arianna’s still with you?” I

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