Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,308


Zander reaches behind me and gently massages my back, causing sparks of electricity along wherever he touches. “I’m sure you can,” he assures me, his tone encouraging.

I turn to look at him, to thank him, feeling a warmth and relaxation flowing through me, but the moment I do, I freeze.

I didn’t know Danny was going to be here.

Chapter 19


I can practically feel him the moment he enters. That fucker, Danny Brooks. It’s not because of his voice laughing behind me. Or the way Lucian narrows his eyes slightly and pulls Dahlia closer to his side. It’s my sweetheart’s reaction. Arianna tenses immediately, sucking in a breath between her teeth and straightening her back.

Her eyes lose the brightness that I’ve only just brought back.

I lean in close to her, ignoring the look from Lucian and rub the tip of my nose behind her ear. “Relax,” I whisper into her ear and gently kiss the tender skin on her upper neck. Her soft hair tickles my nose as I do. I’m a hypocrite for telling her to relax. Nearly a dozen of the men in this room here know I’ve bought her. They know who she is, and they also know she used to be his.

She hasn’t noticed the way they’ve been looking at her. But I have.

Not a single fucker in this room has a clue that this was designed by Brooks. That he gave her to me to pay his debt, and that this is all a facade. Unless he’s told them.

I keep the smile plastered on my face as the thought hits me. Bringing the flute to my lips, I take a swig of the sweet champagne, the bubbles tickling the roof of my mouth.

If the men here know that he’s given her to me, they’re also well aware that I’m letting him pay his debts with her.

And that can’t fucking happen.

I hear Brooks laugh again, although it’s fainter this time and from across the room through a crowd of people. He should know better than to tell anyone about the arrangement. But he’s not a smart man. I put the empty flute to my lips, the glass resting against my bottom lip.

A shiver travels down my arms as Dahlia gently touches Lucian’s arm to grab his attention, completely oblivious to the entire situation. Arianna looks away, her head in the opposite direction as Brooks.

I’m struck by the sweet cadence of her voice as a waitress walking by asks for her drink. She politely tells her she’s fine as I pass the empty glass to the young woman and she sets it on her silver tray.

“Would you like some fresh air?” Dahlia asks Arianna, and she obediently looks to me before answering.

Lucian speaks up before Arianna can answer, saying, “I could use a moment away from the crowds.” His voice is low and only intended for his wife.

“Go ahead,” I tell Arianna, nodding my head toward the French doors. She seems a bit more at ease and I think it’d be best if she got the hell out of this room.

“I need to go to the restroom; I’ll meet you out there,” I answer Arianna and expect her to simply obey. Her hand reaches out to grab my arm as I turn. She’s quick to correct herself, shifting slightly with her expression falling and an apology on her lips.

“It’s alright,” I tell her softly before she can utter a single word, taking her hand in mind and rubbing soothing circles on the back of her knuckles. I stare deep into her dark green eyes and that’s when her reality hits me.

I haven’t even considered what she’s been through. My stomach churns with a sickness. What has he done to her? In a room full of people, all the noises and lights dim to nothing, merely blurs in my periphery as I take in the sadness and fear behind her eyes.

“I’ve got her,” Lucian says, snapping my gaze to his and breaking the small moment of clarity. As he reaches out to her in a casual manner, I nearly rip her away from him, from everyone. In the split second of a moment, I just want to take her away.

I clear my throat, remembering where we are. I straighten my suit and give her a small peck on the cheek. My hand splays across her lower back as I guide her toward Lucian. “I’ll be right back, sweetheart.”

With a tight smile, she nods her head obediently. Always obeying.

“Don’t let her

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