Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,303

French bun with wispy bangs framing my face. I had to watch a video on how to put my hair up like this, but it was worth it.

I hardly recognize myself.

With my dangling diamond earrings, dramatic makeup, and gorgeous gold bracelet I look like some wealthy debutante. Everything about my appearance says eloquence and beauty, even if the diamonds are fake. Still, I don’t feel like I’ll belong on Zander’s arm. I feel like I’m just playing dress-up, hiding the flaws that lie just beneath the surface.

I don’t think I can ever match up to the woman who’s looking back at me in the mirror. That person I see, I don’t recognize her. It’s not the real me. I’m just a fraud.

I suck in a breath as I remember his warm lips pressed against mine. I got lost in the moment. Lost in him. I never wanted it to end. Just being around him makes me feel dizzy with euphoria. It’s not supposed to be this way. It’s just an act. It’s all fake.

But why does it feel so fucking real?

Because he’s my Master, a voice whispers in the back of my mind. The instant I think the words, my body relaxes.

My pulse races as warmth flows through my chest. I can't get over the way he looks at me. Like I’m his. It makes me feel wanted. Even if it is only for thirty days.

I shake off the feeling of anxiety rolling through me, the questions and fear. He’ll take care of me. I close my eyes and try to believe it, but I know it’s foolish. This is temporary.

He’s going to be here soon to pick me up.

And I know the moment I see him, I’m going to go weak in the knees. It’s what he does to me. He makes me powerless, but I want it. I want to give it all to him.

It scares me.

It makes me feel like I’m drowning.

And I don’t want anyone to save me.

Chapter 17


The moment the limo pulls up, she’s at the door to the townhouse, not making me wait. I should move and get my ass out of the limo to go to her, but I’m struck for a moment. She stands out against the dark red brick of the old building, her white dress brushing against her shapely legs as the wind blows, further emphasizing her tempting curves. She’s striking, gorgeous even.

She’s all I’ve thought about since I left her.

The trees and bushes along the sidewalk and in front of her building are barren. The buildings are old and worn; history has been unkind to them. Maybe her past is dark, but I know with everything in me, she doesn’t belong here. Not anymore.

The wind is harsh, blowing her shawl and exposing her bare shoulders. She lets out a gasp that I imagine I can hear as she reaches for the edge of her shawl. It’s blowing in the wind with the threat of losing it clearly on her face. Although the weather is more like spring than the end of winter, with the wind I know she must feel the chill.

She grips the iron railing, steadying herself on the landing of the stone steps as Marcus opens his driver’s door to the limo. It brings me back to the moment, and I’m quick to get out so I can wave him back.

As my dress shoes slap against the paved sidewalk, my blood heats. She’s sure to be noticed tonight, which will bring more attention than usual. That, combined with the news article, I’m sure will get people talking. My nerves prick at the thought. I usually enjoy blending in. The familiar is expected and also ignored.

She certainly isn’t familiar, and I know damn well she won’t be ignored.

I have to jog to meet her at the bottom of the steps. “You look beautiful,” I compliment her as I hold out my hand. A beautiful blush rises to her cheeks as she sets her small hand in mine.

“Thank you,” she says and her voice is small and full of genuine happiness. I don’t know what she expects out of this, with me being her Master, but I can take care of her. And I intend to. I’ve almost messaged Lucian and Isaac a few times to ask what the fuck I’m supposed to do. I’m not going to let on to that fact though.

I hold her hand and open her door for her as a gentleman should. I wait

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