Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,299

The flutters in my stomach turn to stone as she crosses her arms across her chest and avoids looking at me.

That smile I’ve been thinking about for the past few days, the one that’s invaded my every waking moment, is nowhere to be seen.

“How are you?” I ask her out of curiosity as I walk into her apartment.

“Fine, how are you?” she answers with a politeness I’ve come to expect from her.

“Alright,” my answer is a bit absent as I glance around her place. I’ve never seen the inside before. The walls are an off-white, typical in apartments, but there are so many photos on the wall that color the room. On the far wall of the living room there have to be at least thirty photos, all framed and hung in the shape of a heart above a lime green Ikea sofa littered with pillows in different colors. It takes me by surprise.

“Those are Natalie’s,” Arianna says and nods toward the living room.

“Ah,” I walk in a few steps and lean against the banister.

“I didn't expect you,” Arianna says in a way that makes it obvious she’s uncomfortable with me dropping by unannounced like this. She tucks her hair behind her ear as she looks past me and back into the living room as she says quietly, “I would have cleaned up.” Her entire demeanor has changed since I saw her last. My heart feels heavy in my chest, as if it’s falling, it’s an unnatural feeling, something I’m not used to.

“I thought I would surprise you,” I tell her. “I wanted to make sure you got your dress.”

I expect a smile, but instead she only nods and answers respectfully, “I did, and it’s beautiful. Thank you so much.”

My heart thuds once, then twice. Maybe this was a mistake. I run my hand through my hair, not knowing what the fuck to do. I don’t have a significant other for a reason.

“I’m sorry,” Arianna’s voice comes out small. “I should have texted you to thank you.”

My gaze travels over her entire body. She’s uncomfortable, but presenting herself. Just like the auction. There’s a small bit of paint on her elbow, and at first it looks like a bruise, but it’s definitely paint.

“Have you done any more artwork?” I ask her, trying to change the subject. I can’t leave her feeling like this. The gala is tomorrow and I don’t trust whatever’s going on in her head right now.

She nods her head, a bit of brightness lighting her dark green eyes. It makes my lips kick up into a smirk. “Let me see,” I tell her.

“Oh,” she takes a half a step back and bites her lip. “It’s not really done.”

My stomach drops at her confession, although she tries to back out of the excuse. “I can still show you,” she says apologetically.

“No,” I say and wave her concern away. “That’s fine. If it’s not done, I’ll wait.”

She nods her head and visibly swallows, awkwardness returning.

“I was just on my way to bed,” Arianna says quietly. “I’m just tired, really.”

“Alright then,” I tell her, taking the cue to leave and feeling like a fucking jackass. “I’ll head on out and go home.”

She’s a smart woman. She knows this isn’t real, and whatever connection we had at dinner is long gone. My blood runs cold at the thought. A frown settles on my face and refuses to budge. How did I fuck this up? I shake the thought away. There was nothing to fuck up. It was stupid for me to visit her.

I open the door, seeing myself out, but she’s quick to follow me. I stand in the open doorway. “I’ll be with Marcus around six to pick you up tomorrow.”

A small smile slowly grows on her lips and I’ll be damned, but my heart flutters with hope.

“Come here,” I say and cup my hand around the back of her head and bring her in for a kiss. My lips press against hers gently at first as she tilts her head and holds her body close against mine.

I'm just kissing my sweetheart goodnight.

A spark ignites between us as I deepen the kiss, letting my other hand roam down to her waist and pulling her even closer to me. The tip of my tongue slips between the seam of her lips and she parts them for me, moaning softly into my mouth and gripping my shirt in her hands. Electricity runs over every inch of my skin, a dark beast inside

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