Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,297

for tonight, Zander.” Her voice is so full of happiness, that I find my reasons for leaving so quickly disappearing into the dark night. But she turns from me before I can go back to her, her hips swaying and taunting me as she walks closer to the front door and grips the railing.

As I watch her walk up the steps, those gorgeous curves tempting me as the soft sounds of the night air swish by and make her dress cling to her, I finally answer her beneath my breath. “My pleasure, sweetheart.”

Chapter 14


My pleasure, sweetheart.

Zander’s words linger in my mind as I step into my shared apartment and gently close the door behind me, feeling a heavy mix of emotions coursing through my chest. Zander has been such a gentleman. It was so unexpected; I don’t know how to process it. It’s hard not to feel butterflies, even knowing it’s all fake.

I suck in a heavy breath, remembering how it felt to be held in his arms at the end of dinner. Zander made me feel special, like I was the only woman in the room. And even though I felt unworthy to be there with him, I wanted it to be real. I wanted desperately to think that he truly wanted me beside him.

It felt like that. It felt real.

I run my finger down the side of the package that was left for me. It’s not hard to imagine that it’s a dress for this weekend. The white box is large, yet light. My heart beats with anticipation to open it.

I spin around when I hear Natalie’s shocked voice.

“Jesus Ari, what are you dressed up for?” She walks into the living room and adds, “You look beautiful!”

Natalie’s in her favorite pair of pink polka dot pajamas, a half-finished cup of Greek yogurt in her hand, her jaw hanging slack. The television’s on and running in the background, playing some rerun of one of the Real Housewives reality TV shows she likes to watch.

She sets her yogurt down on the end table next to the couch and walks over to inspect my dress.

My tongue is tied. I don’t know how to tell her the truth. It all feels… dirty. “I was out with a friend,” I lie.

Natalie studies me suspiciously. “What sort of friend? And since when do you go out dressed like that for a friend?” Although she’s practically interrogating me as she crosses her arms, she has the hint of a smile playing on her lips.

I’m unable to answer her question. The butterflies fluttering in my stomach want to tell her about tonight. About dinner and how Zander treated me, but it’s not real and it’ll only complicate things to involve anyone else. Plus, I'm not sure what I'm allowed to reveal given the non-disclosure agreement I signed at Club X. I really wish she would stop prying. It puts me in such an uncomfortable position. She peers closely at me when I don’t answer right away. “And what’s this…” her voice trails off as if she realizes something. “Wait a minute… you weren’t out there with Danny, were you? Is that why you don’t want to tell me what’s going on? 'Cause you told me you were taking a break with him, and you’re really not?” Her voice raises, and the smile vanishes.

I roll my eyes at where her mind goes, holding the package a bit closer to me. I wish it were that simple.

Natalie persists, insisting, “I know you were with someone. I can smell cologne on you.”

“It wasn’t with Danny,” I say.

Natalie presses. “Who then?”

I grit my teeth, wishing I didn’t have to do this. “I can’t say. Just a friend.”

Natalie scrunches her face into a frustrated scowl. “You know what? Your sudden secretive ways are really starting to get to me.”

I let out a sigh. “I’m sorry, Nat. I just don’t want to say anything right now.”

Natalie places her hands on her hips. “Well, when will you be able to say anything then? The suspense is killing me.” She lightens the mood by exaggerating her last line and moving to snatch her cup of yogurt up again.

I remain tight-lipped. “I don’t know. Soon.”

Natalie stares at me for a long moment before letting out a resigned sigh and taking a spoonful of yogurt. “Okay. I’m going to let you off the hook for now. But can you promise me one thing?”

I’m on edge. “What?”

“Don’t see that piece of shit Danny ever again, pretty please?”


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