Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,290

you like it? I think it looks awesome.” She taps her finger to her cheek, her expression turning thoughtful as I try to will the memory away and return to just pretending. “I’m thinking about getting the same one, but maybe on my wrist. And I was wondering if you wanted to be the one to do it?”

I don’t immediately respond, my eyes still focused on the image of the rose.

“Ari?” Natalie presses, her voice filling with worry. “What’s wrong?”

I tear my eyes away from the image to see the concern in Natalie’s eyes. A part of me wants to tell her everything. About Danny. About the auction. Zander. But I ignore that part; I don’t want to drag her into this, so instead I just say, “Danny and I aren’t getting along right now.” I’m unable to keep the frustration I feel with my situation from seeping into my voice. Natalie gazes at me with worry. “What’s wrong? Did something get out of hand again?”

It sure fucking did.

It hurts me not to tell Natalie the truth. She’s been my only friend for the longest time, and she's the only person I have left that I fully trust. But I know deep down telling her will do more harm than good.

I pass back her phone. “Not really. I just think we need a break from each other.”

Natalie slips her phone back into her pocket and places her hands on her hips. “Come on, I know you’re not telling me everything. Something got out of hand again and you just don’t want to admit it.”

Oh Nat, it’s much, much worse than that, I think darkly.

“It’s fine,” I lie, hating myself for it. “I’m okay, don’t worry.”

Natalie’s frown deepens. “You’re lying to me.”

I don’t know how to respond. I can see that she cares so much about me. She knows about my troubled past and all of what I went through, and just doesn’t want to see me hurt. But I don’t know how to tell her without making things worse.

Right then, my cell buzzes on the nightstand.

I tell Natalie, “Hold on a sec,” as I walk over to it, grateful for the interruption. It’s a text message from Zander.

My driver will be at your apartment at 5:15 to pick you up.

The event is black tie. Wear a gown if you have one.

Be ready,


“What was that?” Natalie asks, walking over, but I stick my phone back into my pocket before she can ask to see.

“Nothing,” I reply, walking back over to my canvas while feeling like total shit for having to lie. “Just some dumb prick texting the wrong number.”

Chapter 11


I admire punctuality. It says something about a lack of respect when a person is late. I half expected Arianna to be late for Marcus, my driver.

The cufflinks clink as I pick them up off the dresser and slip them into place, locking them and pulling down my sleeves slightly. I straighten my tie as I stare at myself in the mirror. I’ve always felt comfortable in a tux, but not today. Everything feels tight and suffocating.

I haven’t given her a single reason to respect me, but she at least respects the contract.

It’s obvious she doesn’t want to do this, but I’ll give her enough to desire at least a business relationship with me.

Tonight will be dinner, an interview in a way. That’s all a dinner really is, just an interview.

I check my phone on the dresser, the dim light brightening the dark bedroom and see that the photographers will be there to catch a candid shot. I’ll pretend I don’t see them, just like I always do. I huff a humorless laugh at the ideal headlines PR is looking for.

Eligible Bachelor Falling Head Over Heels.

Love at First Sight for the Family Heir.

I can woo her. I’ll get the photographs I need to create the image I want. I don’t know how much I’d like to tell Arianna. My gut tells me to be truthful, to have her in on the charade. But the very thought of trusting her makes me panic.

I trust no one. But I can give her enough to go on.

The only loose end is Daniel Brooks.

My phone pings just as I set it back on the dresser. Charles.

I read the text silently and then pull back, running my fingers through my hair and slicking it back some before ruffling it in a way that looks careless. I take my time with it, making sure it looks just right.


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