Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,286

thought makes my gaze fall for a moment. I’m going to find a way out of this. I just need time.

My eyes reach Zander’s again and his gaze entraps me, as if he knows what I’m thinking. A small voice in the back of my head tells me he can save me. Another calls me a fool, reminding me how Danny saved me.

After a moment, I’m forced to look away, my breathing ragged. I can’t take looking at him for more than a moment without my heart skipping a beat. It’s almost as bad as when I was out there on the auction stage. Disgust twists my stomach as I think about what’s happening. I shouldn’t be here. This shouldn’t be happening.

My skin pricks as I remember seeing Danny in the audience. It took a moment for his eyes to reach mine as I walked off the stage, sold and wanting to run. His eyes seemed to tell me that I was still his, and that no matter whose collar I put on, I only have one Master. My blood chills as I remember that murderous look. It was the same look he gave me in the alley. The look that said if I defy him, I’m a dead woman.

Anxiety threatens to overwhelm me, and I bite my lower lip.

Madam Lynn seems to sense my discomfort and she looks up from my contract, setting her pen aside on the polished cherry wood desk. “Are you alright, Arianna?” she asks gently. I glance at Zander and my heart wobbles again. He’s still staring at me. I tear my eyes away and look over at Madam Lynn and shake my head.

“Yes, Madam,” I say, lying. “Are you sure? she asks. “If you have any concerns about the contract you're about to sign, please air them.” She pauses to gesture at Zander. “Don’t be afraid, you can talk freely in front of Mr. Payne. Anything at all that you want to say.”

“I’m fine,” I lie again.

Madam Lynn eyes me for a long moment. She senses something that I’m not being forthwith, but doesn’t press the issue. “Don’t worry,” she tells me gently, offering me a forced smile. “Mr. Payne will let me know if there’s anything that needs to be said.” She turns to him, waiting for an answer and something passes between them, although I’m not sure what.

“Mr. Payne, is there anything you would like to say before we commence signing?”

“No,” Zander says shortly, his eyes burning into my face.

It’s just one word. But I’m nearly consumed by the sound of his voice. It's so deep, rich and… sexy.

My cheeks burn as I’m filled with shame. I should not be having these thoughts.

I look away from both of them, a feeling of worthlessness descending upon me, a self-loathing that almost brings tears to my eyes.

Madam Lynn looks between the both of us and then nods gently, grabbing the stacks of papers.

“If you would just look over everything before signing,” Madam Lynn says. “As we discussed before the auction, you have the option to terminate this contract whenever you wish during its term, but you will forfeit the agreed-upon settlement if you choose to do so.” She slides the papers over to me along with her pen. The money. I just need to get the money and give it to Danny. Then I’ll be done. It makes me a whore, but I’ll survive. I’ll live and start over.

I’m hardly able to concentrate as I flip through the pages and go over the details of my contract. I feel so nauseated, I want to hurl as I gaze at the dotted line, my heart pounding in my chest.

I don’t have to do this, I try to convince myself. I can go to the cops.

“Arianna?” Madam Lynn says softly. “Are you alright?”

The words are on my lips. I almost tell her, “I can’t do this.” Instead I say, “I’m fine,” as firmly as I can manage. I already know Danny will get to me if I don't go through with this. He has wealth and power, and I have nothing.

Sucking in a deep breath, I close my eyes and quickly scribble my signature over the dotted line.

Madam Lynn gives me a tight smile when I’m done, taking the papers and pen and then sliding them over to Zander.

Zander slowly takes the papers and pen from Madam Lynn. I watch as if I’m not really here, as if it’s not real, as he signs each dotted

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