Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,272

The words are on my lips. I could tell her everything about how I feel right now. Doing it would be like a weight lifted off my chest. I would finally have someone I could confide in about what’s really going on in my life. But that’s not what I do.

“Ari?” Nat presses when I don’t respond. I flash her a smile and reply, “I’m fine,” when deep down, I know I’m not.

Chapter 3


The Mercedes practically purrs as I park in the large, ten-story garage attached to the Parker business suite. This isn’t the first time I’ve been in here. I don’t own it, but I own plenty of men who sit behind the desks in this building.

And one of these fuckers is Danny Brooks.

The car door clicks shut and the alarm beeps as I walk across the concrete ground toward the entrance.

A smile creeps casually onto my lips as the greeter nods his head toward me, the automatic doors opening behind him. “Good evening, sir,” he says in a raspy voice that’s more comforting than anything else. His grey hair is barely noticeable under the tweed cap that matches his vest. As he smiles broadly at me, the wrinkles gather around his pale blue eyes.

“Good evening,” I respond politely, heading straight into the building with a casual pep in my steps. The polished marble floors and stark white walls with gleaming steel framed ceilings make the interior seem so much brighter. Every bit of light is reflected off every surface. The sounds of heels clicking, people chattering and the large fountain in the center of the room spilling water over the edge immediately flood my senses.

It’s almost five o’clock, close to quitting time and for a Friday, the main lobby is fairly empty already. But I know Brooks is still here. Charles knows his routine. He’s useful for that, and damn good at what he does.

I head straight to the far wall, my hands in my pockets and the hint of happiness on my face. Always smile. Make them wonder what you’re up to. I remember the words my mother told me once. Back when I thought it was playful… when I thought she was happy. I didn’t learn the darkness behind her words until much later. Until it was too late.

The elevator doors open and a man in a crisp grey suit exits, all the while loosening the black tie around his neck and holding his briefcase in his other hand. Two women exit behind him, walking closely and speaking in hushed voices. As I enter the empty cart, I hear them laugh in unison, although it dims as the doors close, leaving me alone and in silence.

I push the button for the twenty-sixth floor, lighting up the ring around the number to bright green and instantly I’m ushered upward. My heart starts to race. It’s not every day that I do this; in fact, it’s a rarity. I hardly ever have to put pressure on my business associates. Let alone make them fully aware that they can’t fuck with me and my money.

I don’t enjoy this aspect, but it’s a necessity. If you let one man push you around, the others will know they can push you, too. And that can’t happen. Ever.

It only takes one time to fall. One chance for them to knock you down and tear you apart. Like what happened with my mother. She let them see behind the cracks, and she never recovered.

I shove my hands back into my pockets. I'm still wearing thin leather gloves. It’s not so uncommon for them to be worn this early in March. But inside the building, it’s warm. And I don’t need to be seen wearing them and drawing any suspicion.


The twenty-sixth floor comes faster than I anticipated. Showtime.

My dress shoes slap on the hard slate floor as I walk past the two office spaces on my right. My shoulders are straight as I walk with ease past the large glass fronts of the offices. They’re all nearly identical in appearance, neatly lined up rows of glass boxes. Each one houses some sort of profession. I stop abruptly and turn on my heels as I spot 2614.

Although my blood’s heating, my heart’s hammering and I’m certain everyone can see the fire in my eyes, on the surface I’m the same man I always am. Nonthreatening, happy. Not a care in the world.

I keep my hands in my pockets and rock on my heels as I

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