Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,256

hair, he’s a handsome man, dressed in a black suit with a white dress shirt. Tall and noble-looking, but with eyes like his, he looks like he holds just as many secrets as Joseph does. It makes me wonder if this club is filled with men like them.

I guess it would make sense. Men like these don’t become rich and powerful without accumulating secrets.

Joseph turns away from me to meet Zander’s gaze. “What did you find out?” he asks him.

Zander glances at me for a moment, as if debating if he should talk in front of me. But Joseph gives him a slight nod to go ahead. The pain in my chest loosens from his gesture. At least he trusts me with somethings.

“I know for a fact it was your brother,” Zander says. Like Joseph, his voice deep and rich, and it has a kind of calming quality to it. He stares at Joseph as if waiting for a violent reaction. “He set you up.”

Joseph’s quiet for a moment, and I can only wonder what he’s feeling right now. His own brother tried to have him killed? It’s not hard for me to comprehend after reading his journal. I know it still hurts him though. It makes my heart ache for him. I couldn’t begin to comprehend being in such a position.

There’s a coldness in Joseph’s eyes that scares me when he answers, “I already know that.” It reminds me of death.

“Good, then you’ll be taking care of that matter soon?” Zander asks, taking a seat in the corner of the room as if we were talking about a sale on dry cleaning.

My heart skips a beat as I realize what this is about.

I don’t even have to hear him say it. I know he’s going to kill his own brother. His own flesh and blood. Joseph’s answer is short, “yes.”

“When you go,” Zander says, crossing his left ankle over his right knee, “check your father’s closet.” Zander’s words are firm as he stares at Joseph with a hard look.

I stand there numb, not believing the casual tone of this conversation.

God, I feel sick. I walk slowly behind Joseph to the far end of the room, wishing I could disappear.

“I will,” Joseph replies firmly.

Both men stare at each other for a moment, and then Zander gives Joseph a slight nod before leaving without another word.

As soon as the door click shuts, I feel Joseph’s eyes on me, waiting for my reaction.

“Please don’t go,” I plead, my voice nearly a croak, “you don’t have to do this.” My eyes are wide and begging for him to have mercy on me. I can’t let him go. I don’t know if he’ll come back.

Joseph takes me in his arms, but he doesn’t answer me. He holds on to me as I feel every last bit of hope slipping away. My nails dig into his shirt. “Please,” I whisper. But there is no softening in his position. He’s going whether I like it or not.

“I’ll have tracking on my phone so you will be able to see where I am,” Joseph says, his voice soft, nearly sympathetic.

“I don’t want to have to track you,” I cry beneath my breath. “Just don’t go! Please. Think about what you’re about to do.”

Joseph’s voice remains firm. “I have. And that’s why I have to do this.” Kill them. The words seem to leap into my mind.

I sag against his firm body, tears burning my eyes. I don’t want him to leave. I saw him shot, wounded and about to die. Now he’s stepping in the line of danger again.

And it scares me like fuck that he might not come back. I cling onto him harder, feeling desperate and vulnerable and foolish, but I want him to stay. I want him to live. I can’t save him if he leaves me.

“Please,” I whisper against his hard chest as he tries hopelessly to soothe me.. “I’m begging you.”

Joseph’s silent as he holds me.

“I have to go,” Joseph tells me after a while, pulling back from me. Oh my God. It hurts like hell.

I try to cling to him, but he pries my fingers away from him, pushing me back against Madam Lynn’s desk. I instantly feel cold. Abandoned.

“Let me go, Lilly,” he says, his voice cold. God, he’s breaking my heart. He’s ripping it apart.

I shake my head, my throat throbbing from the aching pain. “No, you don’t have to go.”

“I’m leaving.” His words are so cold now that

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