Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,210

much about a person that I’m willing to risk my personal safety, like now.

Damn it, Zach, I growl inwardly, trying to calm my frayed nerves.

After passing several run down townhouses, I turn a corner onto the street Zach lives on, my palms clammy as hell as I grip the steering wheel, my eyes darting around like a cat, looking for any sign of danger. I relax a little after I pass several residences that have decent lawns. The houses look a little better on this street, but I still wouldn’t want to be caught walking here after dark.

I ride past several more slightly beat up houses until I see a crowd of kids standing just outside a gated two-story stucco house. I spot Zach almost immediately, his tall figure and platinum blonde hair standing out like a sore thumb. They’re all out there laughing, some of them smoking weed, while others twist around on skateboards on the cracked concrete. Anger washes over me as I watch Zach laugh at a joke one of the kids cracks as he huffs out a large cloud of smoke from his lips. Both hands visible. He cut his hand so fucking bad that he had to go to the hospital, but doesn’t need a bandage? Yeah, okay. Tears prick my eyes, but I hold onto the anger.

I grip the steering wheel tightly, gritting my teeth as it hits me. He lied to me. I knew he probably wasn’t telling the truth, but seeing it confirmed before my eyes makes my blood boil.

A part of me wants to jump out of the car and drag him to community service. But he has his own car and I know he can take himself. He obviously just didn’t want to.

I roll up alongside the crowd and several heads turn towards my way, including Zach’s. I give him a look as he spots me, letting him know how much he’s pissed me off. He stares back at me for a moment, but makes no move to come towards me. I tap my fingers against the steering wheel, waiting, hoping he will. I’m giving him a chance to come over, apologize and explain himself. To make things right.

But to my absolute surprise, he turns his back to me, pretending as if I’m not even there.

“Zach!” I call out to him and he pauses in his step for a moment, but keeps going.

Shocked, I watch as he walks off with the group of kids, one of them even pointing at me and making some sort of joke that causes Zach to burst out into laughter.

Anger and hurt twist my chest as I watch them walk away, being rowdy and unruly. I know he may not want to seem uncool in front of his friends, but I can’t believe Zach would do this. This isn’t the kid I know.

I don’t know what to do. I want to help this boy, but you can’t help someone that doesn’t want to be helped. That’s what’s so hard about this job. It’s not easy to turn someone’s life around. You can give them the best advice in the world, but if they don’t listen or take the initiative, there’s nothing you can do.

It’s definitely not how I thought it would be when I signed up for it. I thought I would be able to tell children my story, give them a sense of hope, let them know that I was here for them, and everything would be alright.

It’s a job that’s much harder than I ever thought it would be.

Maybe it will get better with the middle school kids, I tell myself. But deep down, I feel like I’m lying to myself. I shake my head as I sit at the stop sign in my car. I refuse to let Zach give up on himself. I won’t stop trying. Even if he doesn’t listen. I won’t give up on him.

I reach the highway and get on it, flying down the road like a bat out of hell. Shaking my head and biting back tears, I turn the radio on full blast, mindlessly singing along to a pop tune. I don’t even slow down when I pass the highway exit that will take me to my townhouse. Instead, I turn onto a highway that will take me to the upscale part of town.

I need a distraction.

And I know exactly where to get it.

Chapter 10


It’s private in the dungeon today. Without the crowds of people the

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