Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,208

families so abusive that it makes me wish that I could take these kids away from their shitty parents.

My pen taps on the desk as I go through each study plan, making sure that they all draw from everything I’ve learned in these classes. I try to make them as perfect as possible for the kids, hoping that they’ll take something from it that helps them. If it can even change one student’s life, it will make me happy. I want each and every child to have a chance at a good life, no matter how hard their upbringing, no matter how terrible their circumstances. Just like I did.

A knock at the door pulls me out of my thoughts. I twist in my seat, looking at the door and wondering who it could be. I’m new in this city and I don’t really have any friends other than classmates, but all of them are busy right now, most of them home for the winter break. I know it can’t be one of them at my door. No one here even knows where I live. It’s probably a package or a neighbor I think as I scoot the chair from the desk.

It makes me wish I was home with my family. But I only have my father, and now that he’s remarried, we’ve lost touch. I know he still loves me, and I still love him, but I don’t want to intrude on his new relationship and family. My birthday’s coming up soon and I know he’ll be thinking about me. I smile at the thought. He always manages to send me something nice and sweet. Something from the heart.

I at least need to call him, to let him know I’m doing fine.

I make a mental note to give him a ring as I open the front door. There’s a white box with an elegant bow on top sitting on the ground outside.

Sir? My heart does a backflip and the small smile grows on my face. It can only be him.

Arching a brow and sinking my teeth into my bottom lip to keep the smile from growing, I pick it up and bring it inside to the kitchen table.

I can’t wait to open it. He’s been all I can think about, although my thoughts have been a confusing mix with bundles of nerves and insecurities. I suck in a breath when I open it and see what’s inside.

Several white roses setting and a smartphone with a platinum cover on it. My heart pounds in my chest as I pick it up out of the box, examining the high quality finish. A phone? He could have just asked for my number! I shake my head at the thought, but my heart won’t stop beating erratically and my head won’t stop shaking.

I place my fingers against my throat as I stare at the sparkling phone. I’m not sure why he would get me a phone. It’s gorgeous, and more than what I could ever hope for or afford, but I already have one. It seems like such an awful waste of money, even for someone that is rich.

I’m shocked that Sir got me this and sent me flowers, especially after the way we left things yesterday, with me turning him down. I wasn’t sure he’d want to see me again. I thought I’d ruined it all.

Maybe there’s something really there. God, my heart. I stare down at the roses, gently petting the petals and inhaling their floral scent.

I’m about to close the box, when I notice a note at the bottom with a phone number and several words scribbled on it in a smooth font, a masculine one. It’s definitely his writing

If you need me, you can reach me here.


My breath quickens as I stare at the words, my pulse racing inside of my chest and my knees going a little weak. I know that I should just box this and put it away, that this may have gone a little bit too far. But I want more.... of whatever this is. I hate it. It feels like I’m getting ahead of myself, like I’m running straight into trouble. I’ve never had a relationship that lasted more than a few weeks. I’m always the one to send them away, not wanting them to get too close to me.

But this isn’t like that, is it? I want him to get close. I’m practically haunted by the thought of him taking me against the cross.

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