Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,204

connected to my clit. That’s the best way I can explain it.

It’s an odd sensation, feeling pain and pleasure at the same time, but I like it. The adrenaline that’s rushing through my body is downright intoxicating.

Sir gazes at me, watching my reaction intently, his eyes blazing with intensity. “Did you like that, my flower?” His deep voice is low and husky, his breathing ragged. I can tell he enjoyed the lash as much as I did, his crotch sporting a huge bulge pressing against his dark pants. My mouth waters just looking at it.

“Yes,” I whisper weakly, my limbs trembling uncontrollably, my palms moist and clammy as I clench my fists and teeth at the residual stinging pain.

He cocks a brow at me, “yes?”

I realize my mistake, but it’s too late.

“Sir, my flower,” he says as he twirls the whip a bit, watching the tails sing in the air. “You keep forgetting.”

“I’m sorry sir.”

I close my eyes, tensing my body.

“You should be punished,” he says in a husky voice while he grips the tails of the whip in his left hand. A little more pain this time.”

The sing of the whip whistles in my ears followed by a powerful lash against my thighs that forces another raw cry from my lips.

The pain is more intense this time, making my skin prick all over my body, my flesh red and heated in the areas where the leather tails have struck me. It’s crazy what it does to me. It hurts like fuck, but it feels so good. I’m wrapped in almost dizzying euphoria, the room feeling as if it’s spinning around me.

After a moment, I force my eyes open to see Sir gazing at me, an amused grin curling the corner of his lips.

“You will call me Sir,” he says firmly with authority, his chest heaving from exertion. He put a lot of strength behind that last blow, and I can feel it, my flesh feeling like it’s caught fire. The flames sending a hot sensation to my pussy.

“Yes Sir,” I gasp, barely able to fill my lungs with breath, my body teeming with pain and arousal. “

The words aren’t even finished leaving my lips before his fingers are tracing the marks and then his lips, and then his tongue. I hardly pay attention to it. Pain and pleasure becomes my existence as the room whirls around me and my vision blurs almost to the point of darkness.

He pulls away from me while my eyes are closed. I instantly miss his soothing touch over the stinging heated marks.

Pain and pleasure. Wrapped in leather. The sensation is addicting.

I want him to whip me again, harder, taking me to the next level, but a part of me knows I won’t be able to take it. If he does it again, it will push me beyond the brink. I don’t want to say it, but the words Lollipop start to form on my lips as I sense him preparing for another blow.

As if sensing what I’m about to say, Sir suddenly drops the whip to the floor, the loud clack on the floor making it obvious even with my eyes closed. He steps right in front of me, his shoes thudding against the stone floor, his breathing heavy and ragged from his exertion. Close up, I can see the sweat on his brow and the slight perspiration making his dress shirt cling to his chest. The smell of his masculinity fills my lungs and I breathe it in deeply, almost as if I’m inhaling a powerful drug.

“You’ve had enough, flower?” He asks me although we both know it’s a statement, his deep, sexy voice low and filled with lust.

I’m unable to speak, my skin burning like it’s on fire, but I manage to shake my head no. I can’t be left like this. After that, I need a release. Now.

He grins at me, as if expecting my inability to answer, and runs his powerful fingers along my heated flesh, my skin stinging wherever he touches. A sibilant hiss of pain escapes my lips as I tremble with need at his touch, watching him trail his fingers down further until he reaches where I’m soaking wet.

He pulls his fingers away and I instantly pull against the leather straps to bring his touch back to me. “Yes, sir.” I answer with the last bit of breath I have.

I watch him close his eyes, a satisfied groan leaving his lips at being able to touch my

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