Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,183

silk fabric, thrilling at how luxurious it feels.

My skin pricks as I stare at it. I hope I’ll look beautiful in this tonight. Just thinking about the looks I’ll get from one of those powerful, handsome masked men, causes my breath to quicken and my pussy to clench. A fiery blush comes to my cheeks, a little bit ashamed at how turned on I am. I don’t engage with them though. I stick to the safety of the trainers. I’m not ready for this to truly be real.

I can’t imagine how the people at school would react if they knew I was attending a place like Club X. A twinge of worry pricks my chest at the thought. I don’t want anyone finding out and I’m filled with anxiety every time I show up at school after a night at Club X. I worry that someone will recognize me and out me. But with how strict the rules are at the club and the non-disclosure agreements that have to be signed just to get through the doors, I let the worry slip by.

I’m still slightly shocked about how I found out about it. Or rather who told me about it. One of the teachers at the high school I work at, Mrs. Nicole Flite, mentioned the place to me after she saw me with my nose stuck in an erotic romance novel over lunch break. She was cautious at first, probably scared that I would look down at her or rat her out to the principal when she told me about the darker elements of the club. But when she saw how intrigued I was by the whole thing, she let loose, filling me in on all the exotic details.

I couldn’t believe that a teacher who looked as sweet and unassuming as her could even be part of such a dark, sexual world like that. But then again… so am I. And now I’m hooked. This place embodies what I’ve been dreaming about after reading my romance novels.

It just took a lot of work to build up the courage for me to go. But I finally did and I don’t regret it at all.

I still haven’t seen Nicole there yet, in the weeks I’ve been going. And I’m not sure I will. From what I know, she’s married with kids and she doesn’t get the chance to go often anymore.

I haven’t been able to go that much either, engrossed with school and work. Only on the weekends.

But now that I have all this free time over the winter break, I’m going to make the most of it.

I slip the red nightgown into my bag, feeling the adrenaline rush through my blood, and walk out of my bedroom, intent on spending a night lost in fantasy.

Chapter 2

Joseph Levi

I bring the whiskey to my lips, taking a swig and then wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

The amber liquid warms my chest with a vicious burn on the way down. I revel in the feeling. I need it just to feel at this point. My life is devoid of anything. I have wealth, I gave up power, and now I’m alone.

I made the right decision though. I left the familia, taking the fall to get the heat off their backs. But now I have nothing and no one. I’m bored, that’s what’s pissing me off.

It’s better than taking over the familia. Even if that does make me an outcast.

I clench and unclench my hands into fists. My knuckles are sore from boxing earlier today. I spend most of my time in the gym in my basement. It’s all I do at this point, workout and survive each day. Just like the prisoner I am. A prison of my own making.

I don’t fit in anywhere. Like the fucking Beast in his castle. I huff a humorless laugh, swirling the whiskey in the glass before taking another swig. I can feel the warmth flowing through every bit of me, coursing through my blood and finally giving me the buzz I was after.

I want to drown in this feeling. I need it just to sleep. The visions of what they’ve done and the blood still on my hands burn into me when I close my eyes.

I killed them. I helped eliminate those thieving, lying murderous bastards. Not for revenge, not for a righteous vindication. Killing the Romanos was a message. One that the community and business partners heard loud and clear.

But someone had

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