Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,176

do; I think he just needs a push to realize what he really wants and how desperate he’ll be to make that happe..”

I swallow thickly, not knowing what to think. “I don’t want another Master. Ever. If I can’t have Isaac back... if he doesn’t want me,” my voice trails off and it’s hard to think that he’s really through with me.

“Isaac is being foolish, and he will have you back. Trust me, I know when a man is in love.”

Love. My heart hurts so fucking much.

I close my eyes, praying that what she’s saying is true. I don’t want to hope if it’s really over.

As if reading my mind, Madam Lynn says, “It’s not over, Katia. Just give him this push.”

I nod my head, feeling as though I at least have a plan. “I’ll go.”

It’s not over just yet. I won’t give up hope.

Chapter 31


The faint hum of the car seems louder than usual as I drive through the dark night on my way to Katia.

It’s only been hours, but I know I’ve made a horrible mistake. I’ve thrown away the most beautiful and pure creature to ever light up my life.

I can’t believe I let her go. No, I threw her away.


I grip the steering wheel tighter. It hurts so fucking much. I keep seeing the look in her eyes.

She told me she loved me. I know she does. She did.

But now…

If she doesn’t forgive me, I’ll never recover from this. I had my perfect kitten. So gorgeous and full of life and hope and happiness. And healed. So strong in every way.

I take in a breath so violently it hurts my lungs. My chest feels like it’s collapsing in.

My kitten. My Katia.

I lean my head forward, resting on my fists as I sit at a red light and fight with the emotions tormenting me.

I’m not worthy of her, that’s the problem. I’ve murdered. I’ve watched men die. Worse, there’s a darkness in me that will dim her beautiful light. That’s my biggest fear. I need to remember that.

But for her, I’ll try. I promise to fucking God, I will try to be better for her.

I just need a chance. I need her to forgive me.

I need her back. I’m a selfish man for it, but I need her back in my life.

It’s a reckless thing for me to do. To go take her back. But if she lets me, I’ll never let her go.

My phone rings in the car, and for a moment I think it’s her. My kitten.

I swerve on the road, nearly losing control, but only for a moment. Fuck! I’m losing it.

Because I lost her.

I nearly throw the fucking phone out of the window when I see it’s Madam Lynn. I don’t know what the fuck she wants, but I don’t have the time. I almost toss it onto the floor, but I can’t. It’s late. It’s really fucking late, and if she’s calling at this hour, there’s a damn good reason for it.

“Fuck,” I curse beneath my breath and try to answer the phone without anger as I drive closer to Katia. I’ll have her back soon and then everything will be alright.

“Hello?” I answer.

“Hello, Isaac,” her voice is even and calm, no hint of urgency.

“Now’s not a good time,” I grit out between my teeth. I instantly regret answering.

“Oh? I thought you should know as soon as possible that Katia has agreed to go up for auction tomorrow. But I suppose if you don’t have the time...”

My blood chills, and my heart nearly stops beating. “Bullshit.”

“No, that’s what stomping on a woman’s heart will do to you, Isaac.”

I slow the car and drive off the road, stopping in the shoulder. My throat dries, and I can’t fucking stand the pain. It’s only been hours. It was one mistake.

One fucking mistake.

And she’s done.

I threw her out. I deserve this. I shake my head, denying it. I didn’t want to. I didn’t mean to.

I was scared. Scared to let her close. Scared that I would destroy the strong woman she is.

“I’m sorry,” I say into the phone, but it’s not for Madam Lynn, it’s for my Katia. “I fucked up.”

“I know you did.”

“She can’t go up there. I can’t let her.”

“You don’t have a choice,” Madam Lynn huffs into the phone.

“You don’t understand-” I start. I’m not going to let anyone else have her. There’s no fucking way anyone in there deserves her more than me.

“Oh, don’t I, though?” Madam Lynn’s voice is hard.

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