Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,165

the world blurring behind her as she walks into view. Her head is partially bowed, but with shyness, not from submission. Her cheeks are flushed and with a touch of makeup, her natural beauty is only heightened.

My Katia is utterly gorgeous.

Her eyes widen and her lips part slowly as she takes in the room. She stands still at the entrance, not sure where to go or how to react.

I’m quick to walk to her, taking large strides until I’m by her side, planting a small kiss on her cheek. My heart seems to come to life once again, pounding rapidly and heating my blood as I wrap my arm around her back and let my thumb run up and down over her hip.

“Thank you, Master,” Katia breathes, looking up at me through her thick lashes as I lead her to the lounge.

I kiss her cheek again and she does something she’s never done. She leans into me, resting her head on my shoulder as we walk and wrapping her arm around my waist.

No one has ever done that.

I continue walking as though nothing’s changed, but as soon as she sits I leave her.

It was one thing to engage in that display of affection for her family’s sake. For her sake in front of her parents, really. But here, it means something different.

And I allowed it.

I should correct it. I should draw the line once again since it seems to have blurred, but instead I reach into the bucket and pop the cork off the champagne bottle with a flourish.

Although I’m not facing Katia, I can still see her smile. She even brings her hands up as though to clap, but she stops herself.

She has a brightness about her. Desire to be happy. It’s one of the things that drew me to her, but also one of the reasons I know I should stay away.

“Master?” she asks me as I pour the chilled champagne into our glasses. The fizz of the bubbles and clinking of the glasses make a smile stretch across my face. It’s been a long time since I’ve enjoyed this type of luxury.

“Yes, kitten?” I turn to face her, a glass in each hand. The dress has slipped up on her thighs and I was right. It looks fucking gorgeous on her, but it’ll look better on the floor.

I set the glasses down and sit easily next to her. My dick is already hard from sitting so close to her. The easy touches and soft sounds of her sigh as she leans against me make me want her that much more.

I don’t see how I’ll ever have my fill of her.

“I’m afraid.” She whispers her words, looking away from me and out into the woods.

“Don’t be,” I tell her easily. Her worries and fears are my burden, not hers. “Let me take your fears away.”

“It’s not what you think. “

Her breathing picks up as I flick the chain at her neck, kissing down her body and enjoying the soft sounds of her sighs.

“What is it?” Whatever it is, it can wait till after tonight. I plan to reward her with overwhelming pleasure until both of us have had our fill.

I slip off the lounge and onto my knees in front of her, my fingers trailing along her upper thigh, playing with the hem of her dress and inching it upward.

“This seems so real,” she says, and her voice cracks. Her fingers dig into the thick, white fabric as I lean forward, my eyes roaming her body.

I leave an open-mouth kiss on the inside of her knee and work my way upward, moving closer to her clit. She’s been such a good girl. She’s earned this.

“This is real, kitten.”

“I’m afraid… That it’s going to be more for me than just … more than a Master.”

My hands still on her thighs, my fingertips just barely touching her soft skin, and for a moment I don’t respond.

“I’m afraid I’m falling for you,” she admits. I already felt that she was, but her admitting it makes it worse.

I kiss just below her hem and then push her dress up higher, scooting her ass closer to the edge for me. Remaining calm on the outside, but my heart’s beating faster.

I can’t give her more. But I’m too selfish to send her away just yet. I glance down at the anklet she’s still wearing. She needs me still. I can’t let her go.

“Who do your worries belong to, kitten?”

“You, Master.”

I pull her pussy into

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