Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,160

over and over in a litany meant to strengthen me, knowing that if the first tears fall that I’ll turn into a blubbering mess. I don’t know how I can’t do anything but break down, I feel too weak.

Isaac's words come back to me in that moment. You’re going to be perfect for me, kitten. As if he knew I was thinking about him, I feel a gentle squeeze on my left hand and I look over to see Isaac gazing at me with strength and confidence in his eyes.

My mom freezes as her eyes fall on Isaac, her jaw going slack as if she’s just now noticing he was there. “Well,” she says, her voice filled with wonder, her eyes wide with shock, “who is this handsome young man?”

I know seeing Isaac with me must be hitting her pretty hard, since I’ve never had an official boyfriend. She probably can’t believe I wound up in an actual relationship. But what I have with Isaac is anything but normal, and probably never will be.

“Mom,” I say, swallowing back a tide of emotion, “this is Isaac, my-“

A quick pinch on the ass from Isaac reminds me to be careful of what I say next, and my cheeks burn with fire, my heart pounding from the oh shit moment. I hesitate for a moment, not wanting to make a mistake, but Isaac steps in.

“Boyfriend.” It’s such a strange word, especially coming from his lips.

“Boyfriend,” I agree quickly, hoping my mom doesn’t notice my flub. “Isaac is my boyfriend.” Boyfriend. I can’t believe that word just came out of my mouth. It sounds alien, and it certainly doesn’t fit the description of what Isaac is to me. Nor the name I call him every night. And he sure as fuck isn’t a boy.

My mom can’t keep the shock from her face as she extends her hand in greeting. It’s like she thinks Isaac must be a hologram that’s going to vanish at any second. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Isaac. Kat told me that she had someone new in her life, but she didn’t tell me that you were so handsome.” She shakes her head and gives me a look.

Isaac takes her extended hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Mrs. Herrington. I see who Kat inherited her beauty from.”

My mom turns a furious shade of crimson. A warm sensation flows through my chest at her expression. I haven’t seen her light up like that in… well, I don’t remember when. And I must say that I’m impressed by Isaac’s demeanor and charm in front of my mother; he’s nothing like he is when he’s at the club where everything revolves around sex. It’s a side of him that makes me curious. I like his charm, but it has me wondering how much of this is an act.

“Oh stop it,” Mom says when she can finally find words, waving away Isaac’s compliment and chuckling nervously, trying to hide her embarrassment. She turns and motions us toward the living room. “Please, come and meet the rest of the family.”

Isaac looks over at me and winks before we follow her into the living room. I’m really liking this side of him. He wraps his arm around my waist, and the display of affection catches me off guard. But In a good way though. It’s just something I wasn’t expecting.

The minute we step into the room, I’m greeted by the sight of my family huddled together and overwhelmed by everyone talking at once as they rush forward to greet me.

“Well, long time no see, Katia!” My father’s voice comes from across the room as my sister hugs me, saying softly in my ear, “It’s so good to see you!”

“It’s been too long.” The voices seem to blend as I imagine turning right around and leaving. Of course I don’t, and instead I plaster a smile on my face, hugging each person in turn.

“Why, you look like you’ve lost so much weight!”

And from my cousin Lyssa, “Who’s the hot guy?”

I’m surrounded by relatives, each one pulling me into one hug after another, telling me how much they love me and how happy they are to see me. I have to once again start chanting to myself, trying to keep my emotions in check. I try to answer every one the best as I can, almost becoming dizzy with confusion from all the questions, and not even knowing who’s talking to me. I think I count

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