Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,154

wear it, I’ll throw it away.”

“It’s a shackle?” she whispers.

“It’s yours. It’s whatever you want it to be.”

I give her a moment to let the rules and the meaning of the anklet to register. “Put it on,” I tell her.

She bends down and clasps it into place. It’s a little large on her and slips down, but firmly stays in place.

Once she stands, I pull her closer to me and kiss her neck, running my fingers through her folds. She’s no longer wet. But I’ll make it up to her.

I pull the chain at her stomach, reminding her of the chains she’s wearing that are mine. “This is how I want you while you’re home, unless I tell you otherwise.”

I kiss along her neck and nip her ear, looking between the soft curve of her neck and her pale blue eyes in the mirror.

I tug the chain again and I’m rewarded with a sweet moan of pleasure and arousal moistening her pussy.

I lead her with the chain to the large whirlpool tub in the middle of the bathroom, loving her soft whimpers. I sit on the edge and turn her so she’s facing away from me. The anklet clinks as I pull her down on top of me roughly, her back to my front, my dick hard and ready to be buried in her heat.

“Do you think you were a good girl today?” I whisper against her ear. My lips gently caress her sensitive skin and cause a shudder to go through her body.

“Yes, Master,” she answers with lust in her voice.

“You were,” I admit as I slam my hips up, shoving my cock deep inside her. She tries to buck forward out of instinct, but I keep her close to me, fucking her roughly and tugging at the chain.

Rewarding my kitten.

And sating us both.

“Katia, what does being a Master mean?” I ask her as she crawls under the covers.

“It means you have complete control over someone.”

“Is that what it means, kitten?” I ask her.

She clears her throat, looking as though she’s questioning her response. “There’s more to it than that,” she finally says.

“It’s very simple, kitten. Soon you’ll know.” Her eyes flash with disappointment as she takes in a heavy breath.

Sleep well, I tell her before turning off the lights and leaving her alone. Wearing my chain and contemplating what it truly means for me to be her Master.

Chapter 22


I step into the steam-filled bathroom, dressed in my flimsy gown, my skin prickling from the inner fire inside the pit of my stomach, my body on edge. I’m sweaty and dirty from crawling on my hands and knees all day, obeying every wish of my Master and now he’s ordered me to take a bath and to let him clean me. And if I’m good, he’s going to let me bathe him.

I couldn’t be happier to oblige. I hunger for his strong hands on my body, giving me the pleasure I so badly crave and he’s tempted me with all day. It’s hard to even think of myself as a Slave when I feel more like Isaac’s pampered pet. It’s definitely not what I was expecting going into this relationship, but I fucking love it. It feels like I’m living a fantasy.

I’m his fucktoy, his kitten, his everything. But what he does to me, what he commands me to do only makes me feel desired and cherished.

I catch sight of the faint scars on my shoulder and my mind drifts back to earlier today, to one of my training sessions that left me appreciating him even more.

“I want you to paint your scars,” Isaac told me as I sat on a leather training bench. He grabbed a bowl of whipped cream and strawberries off a stand nearby and held it out to me. With the bowl in his left hand, he held the long stem of a large, fresh strawberry and dipped it in the homemade cream.

“Open,” he commanded me. “Stick your tongue out flat.”

I did as I was told and he traced a line down my tongue with the point of the berry and then around my lips, teasing me. “You’ll paint them with the cream for me to lick off.”

He pulled it away from my mouth and I responded as I knew I should. “Yes, Master.” I’ve learned to love those words. I love pleasing him. He makes it so easy.

Obediently, I took the strawberry from his hands, and only then did I really register what he’d

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