Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,151

replied only a few minutes ago.

Darlinggirl86: What’s he like?

I nervously pick at my fingernails. Both loving and hating that I’ll be talking about Isaac while he’s in the room. He could easily walk over and see.

My hands resting above the keys, I think for a moment, wondering if I should tell her. The truth is, this relationship resembles nothing like what I think a true M/s relationship should be. While Isaac is still demanding, I have more freedom than I think I should as a Slave, and his kindness totally throws me off.

Katty93: Not what I expected.

I only have to wait half a second before I hear a ding.

Darlinggirl86: What do you mean?

I sneak a peek at Isaac; he’s almost done with organizing breakfast, piling bacon on one plate and eggs on another. I bite my lower lip, wondering how to best answer her question.

Katty93: He’s too nice.

Crap. I feel awful after typing that, but I had to say it. That’s why this feels so wrong to me.

Darlinggirl86: Too nice? Is that good or bad?

I take a sip of coffee, staring at the screen and not knowing for sure if it’d be okay to tell her about what happened early this morning. It’s one thing to be vague about being purchased at an auction and not providing any concrete names or scenarios. It’s another to divulge something so personal. Plus I don't want to violate the non-disclosure agreement I signed.

Katty93: It’s good in some ways, bad in others. But I’m only just learning what he truly needs.

Darlinggirl86: It’s only been one day, Kat. Give it time.

Katty93: I will.

Feeling guilty, I shut my laptop and set it on the windowsill just as Isaac brings breakfast over to the table, setting down plates of everything he's prepared.

“Is everything alright, kitten?” Isaac asks me as he sits down across from me.

“Yes,” I say, flashing a smile that I hope doesn’t betray my nervousness. “Just was chatting with a friend who wanted to know how I’m doing.”

“What’s your friend’s name?” Isaac asks as he grabs a butter knife.

“Kiersten,” I admit.

Isaac slathers butter on each layer of pancake. “Ah. A coworker, I assume?”

I shake my head. “She’s an online friend I met on a support group message board. I’ve never met her before. She’s good people though.” I hope he doesn’t ask me about her past. I honestly don’t know much about it, even if he insisted I tell him more about her.

Isaac grabs his fork after layering his pancakes with a river of syrup and cuts into the stack. “I see.”

I’m surprised that Isaac doesn’t inquire into Kiersten’s background further. I thought he’d be very interested in the dynamics of my relationship with Kiersten and want to control my interactions with her.

I pick up my fork, and spear a small piece of eggs, but I’m unable to bring it to my lips. Instead, I watch Isaac devour his pancakes. I don’t know what game he’s playing here. I feel so lost and like I don’t belong here.

Isaac swallows his mouthful and gestures at my untouched plate. “Eat,” he commands. “Don’t make me have to tell you again.”

“Yes, Master,” I say immediately. I pick my fork back up and can only take a few bites of eggs before I’m forced to put it back down again. My appetite is nonexistent, and I can’t get my mind off how much I want to know more about Isaac. “Master, may I bathe you?” I dare ask.

Isaac looks up from his plate with some surprise, arching a sculpted brow as he looks at me.

“In the shower I mean,” I say quickly, my heart beating erratically. I want to give him more of me. Help him the same way that he’s trying to help me. Please don’t deny me.

Isaac shakes his head, filling me with disappointment. “Not this morning, no. I have to leave after breakfast.”

I try to hide the hurt that flashes in my eyes, but he sees it and sets his fork down, pushing his plate away from him.

He scoots his chair back away from the table. “Come sit on my lap, kitten.”

I’m quick to take him up on his offer.

“Tonight,” Isaac promises as he looks down at me with his lust in his eyes. “Tonight I’ll let you wash me… if you’re good today.”

At least that’s something. “Thank you, Master.”

Chapter 21


I set the small gift bag on the bathroom counter, the silk handles falling gently to one side as the steam fills the room. I’m not

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