Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,141

into a puddle of shiny black. Her nipples instantly harden. And so does my dick.

I lean forward, taking one of her pale rose nipples into my mouth and gripping both of her wrists in my hands as she attempts to pull her thong down her thighs.

She gasps at my quick movements and pushes her chest into my face. Like a good girl. I pull back, letting her nipple pop out of my mouth and then swirl my tongue around the other.

“Let go,” I command her and in that instant she does, immediately releasing her grip on the lacy straps of her underwear.

I take a step back and look at her.

“You’re gorgeous, Katia.” The small intake of air and slight flush to her cheeks warms me. It touches a cold part of my soul I’m not used to feeling. I shake off the sensation and concentrate on the matter at hand.

“You will never wear those again. Or any underwear.” I loop my thumb around the straps and easily rip through the lace, shredding the sides of her thong and letting them fall to the floor.

My dick stirs with desire as her lips part in shock. “Your cunt and ass will always be available to me. Easily.”

I trail my middle finger along her lower lip, and she obediently opens her mouth. “And your mouth.” I slip my finger into her hot mouth. I don’t have to tell her to suck; she greedily suctions her lips around my finger, keeping her hands at her side and hollowing her cheeks. Her tongue massages the underside of my finger as she closes her eyes and moans.

Fuck! She’s so fucking sexy. She has no idea what she does to me. “Ah ah, kitten,” I admonish her, pulling my finger away and turning back toward the counter. “I have something else for you to suck.”

I grab the rolling pin, and it’s cold and smooth. She’s really going to want to heat this up.

Fear flashes in her eyes for a moment, but I ignore it. I’ll never hurt her. Not that way she’s thinking. “Suck on this,” I tell her, placing the pin to her lips. There are no handles, just one long smooth pin. She has to stretch her jaw a little more than my finger, but the pin itself isn’t very wide.

I push the pin in a bit farther, letting her take a few inches and rock it in and out of her mouth. “Get it hot, kitten. Suck it like it’s my cock.” With my left hand I cup her pussy and reward her by pinching her clit and rolling it between my fingers.

Her brows pinch, and she moans the softest I’ve ever heard while taking a little more of the pin deeper into her mouth. “Do you remember how you took me?” I ask her.

She tries to push more of the pin in, but I stop her. The head of the pin is blunt and it’ll hurt her throat. I don’t want that. “No more.” I stop her, pulling it back and releasing her clit to grab her throat. The lust vanishes from her eyes, realizing she’s done something wrong. “You only get a few inches. Don’t be greedy,” I add playfully to lessen her anxiety.

She closes her eyes again, but I’m done preparing her. “Lie down on the floor.” I kick her clothes to the side as she crouches down and quickly lies against the tiled floor. Goosebumps flow down her skin. I imagine she’s cold, but I’ll have her hot and bothered in no time.

“Get wet for me,” I tell her as I crouch down and rub her clit and then trail my fingers down the length of her pussy. I feel her lips and the hot entrance to her cunt. Petting her gently as my dick starts leaking precum. My fingers move slowly and I watch her as she tries to stay still on the floor. Resisting the natural desire to move.

“I don’t want you still or silent.” My voice comes out sharp, but I soften it.

“Never hide from me.” As her eyes meet mine and she parts her lips, her tongue licking along the lower one, to tell me “Yes, Master,” I shove two of my fingers into her and curve my fingers upward, stroking the rough wall of her G-spot. Her back bows, and her mouth opens with a gasp. Her fingers are clawing at the smooth tiled floor as though she can grip it. “I want to watch

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