Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,13

I was angry about my family, and overwhelmed with women wanting to please me. It was more than flattering, and I was eager to enjoy their company. I was young and stupid. I shouldn’t have been so reckless. It wasn’t worth it, and if I could take it back, I would.

I quickly made a name for myself as a playboy in the tabloids. It was then that Zander introduced me to the club. It was a way to sate my desires, but still remain anonymous. My company no longer had to take a hit for my personal preferences, and it got the stockholders off my back. Not that they matter anymore. They can’t do shit to me now.

Either way, it’s best to be as private as possible. I have to avoid scandals and negative press at all costs. My livelihood is at stake, and women simply aren’t worth it. The image of my wedding picture that used to hang in my living room flashes before my eyes. One failed marriage is all I need. She blindsided me and fooled me into thinking she felt something more for me. I should’ve taken a note from the Club X playbook and had her sign an NDA.

At least she took a paycheck to sign one after our hideous divorce. I don’t know why I’m surprised. She just wanted a paycheck all along. Just like everyone else. They all just want a fucking paycheck.

I rise from the bed, feeling the need to take the paddle out again, but not having my Submissive at hand. I crack my neck and forget about the past. It’s where it belongs. Tonight is about right now and needs that must be filled. I’ve put this off long enough. I deserve this.

I huff a laugh and smirk as I think about Zander’s reaction to my text. He’s the one who introduced me to this lifestyle. I learned to enjoy the release and the control gained as a Dominant. But it’s more than that. It’s the fulfillment of providing for a Submissive. Of training her and watching her become truly sated with pleasure. Earning her trust and devotion. It’s a thrill, and a deeply satisfying one at that.

I’ve been craving it, but putting it off. It’s difficult to put that faith in another person. The faith that they’ll listen, and learn to trust you. It's even more difficult building trust that is real. But you can’t hide your body language, or your primitive needs. My last Submissive tried to hide hers. I think she just wanted to play. But I don’t do pretend and make-believe. I require perfection. I give this my all, and I expect every bit of the passion and energy that I put into this in return. But my last Sub didn’t give me that. She was defiant and just wanted to be punished. Always. And each time she wanted it harder and more painful. I don’t have a fetish for pain. That doesn’t interest me. And she knew that. I took my collar off of her and never set foot in Club X again.

It’s been almost a year since I’ve been to the club, a year since I’ve had a Submissive and given in to these baser needs. I’m more than ready to delve into my desires and put this room to good use.

I pocket the mask with a grin on my face. It’s show time.

Chapter 6


Club X.

I suck in a sharp breath as I step through the club’s doorway past the lobby and into a darkened ballroom that I can only describe as pure luxury. The floor is covered with plush, royal red carpet that is intertwined with breathtaking intricate designs, and the clicks of my heels are muted against the softness. The walls are painted a soft purple and are lined with gold trim, while golden sconces give off a red glow, suffusing the room with a sultry ambience.

High ceilings give the place depth as well as an airiness that makes my skin prickle with excitement. I touch the bracelet at my wrist. This one is temporary, but everyone is wearing them. It’s just cream-colored rubber, but it’ll look like Carla’s when I join. If I join. The rubber is joined by three interlocking metal rings, with the center ring being black. She said it shows the other members that I’m a Submissive and that I prefer carte blanche, so the Dom has free range with me. The very thought makes my core heat

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