Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,120

her walking toward me. Her hips sway gently, and I swear I can hear her heels clicking on the ground as her eyes take in the sight behind me. My breath stops short as she sees me, halting in her path. Her breath hitches, and her eyes fall to the floor as she slowly lowers herself to the ground, kneeling and waiting for me.

Submitting to me.

Chapter 10


My heart’s racing as I press my cheek against the floor, the bass of the club music thrumming against my body. As I lie there in submission, I sense several men walk around me, causing the skin on my neck to prickle. They’re watching me, almost taunting me. But I dare not move. I don’t belong to them, and I’ll stay like this until my Master says I can move. To do anything else would be disrespectful. He saw me coming over. I know he did. When his eyes met mine, I felt the same shock, the same awe I felt yesterday.

My heart pounds in tandem with the heavy beat of the music, my limbs trembling with anticipation. I can’t wait to serve him. To please him.

I hope he doesn’t make me wait long. I feel insecure without his collar, without his mark on me.

I’m ready to give him more. I shiver as I wait for him to come to me, my mind on the displeasure he must feel that I didn’t submit to him yesterday. My heart skips a beat as I wonder, What if he’s pissed off and doesn’t want me tonight? It could be his first punishment, his first lesson for me.

But he told me to come. And so I did. And I’ll obey. I’ll do anything he wants me to do to please him. Even if he doesn’t want me tonight, I’ll do as he says. I need him. I want him as my Master. And I’ll do anything to show him that I’m willing to obey.

My eyes pop open and my body tenses as his strong hand cups the back of my head, sending sparks down my neck and back. “Look at me, kitten,” his deep voice growls over the bass of the music.

Chest heaving, I look up into those gorgeous green eyes as he brings his full lips against mine and parts the seam of my lips with his tongue. I deepen the kiss, loving his possession of me. How he didn’t hesitate to take me. He pulls away before I’ve had enough, leaving me breathless. I instantly crave his lips back on mine, but I don’t say anything. I’ll take what he’s willing to give me.

“Do you remember my name?” he asks after he pulls me up off the ground and steadies me.

“Isaac,” I answer immediately, almost panting. My heart sinks at the flash of disappointment in his eyes. Fuck! He wanted me to say Master. How stupid am I? I’ve disappointed him already. Worry flows through my chest as doubt sets in. Maybe I was never a good slave, and this will end up being a major disappointment, leaving me with a broken heart.

Isaac splays his hand on my back and cups my chin, bringing my focus back on his masked face. “What are you thinking?” His tone is harsh, and I can sense his irritation. I’m already fucking up.

“I’m not being a good Slave for you,” I say weakly, my voice nearly cracking and my body trembling. I’m afraid of failure.

I feel so hot, so vulnerable. The excitement is gone, and fear is very much present.

Isaac squeezes my chin and his words come out strong, but soft. “You are perfect for me. And I will not have you think otherwise. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” I answer obediently, and the word almost slips out. Master. I want him, so badly. But I can’t push myself to say it. So long the title belonged to someone else. Someone who didn’t deserve it.

He stares at me for a moment, his magnificent green eyes searching my face before nodding and leading me down the hallway and into the ballroom.

I have to keep my jaw from dropping as we enter the large room.

The vibe of the club is so much different today than it was yesterday.

The thick curtains to the stage are open tonight, with scantily-clad dancing women and gilded cages swinging from the ceiling. There are women in each cage, dressed in those same beautiful gowns as before, some even in bondage gear gyrating, twirling and dancing within the few

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