Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,107

want to feel the safety they’re feeling. The pleasure of being rewarded and cherished. My heart twists in my chest.

Madam Lynn, in a discussion we’d had online after I responded to her email, told me everything I wanted to know about the club and policies, but I would’ve never expected this. This is just… I shake my head. I have no words. It looks nothing like what I went through, but at the same time it carries a familiar feeling. For the first time since being back home, I have hope that I’ll be able to find sexual pleasure. The thought thrills me to my core and terrifies me all at once.

My heart races and my palms sweat as I slowly begin to move through the club, picking up confidence as I walk past the couples. My hands are clasped and my head bowed slightly, but I’m taking in every detail. Keeping my eyes low, I begin the descent into the ballroom, my hand gripping the railing for dear life. My emotions are a stormy mix, but the overriding feeling is lust.

I ignore the stares of the men I pass, knowing not to look them in the eyes and waiting for them to address me. None of them do, and I’m grateful for that. My heart is racing so fast; it feels like it’s going to shoot up my throat. I’m here of my free will, but I don’t want to give offense to anyone. As I step down into the ballroom, a few of the men at surrounding tables stop to stare at me. Two even approach me and I stand perfectly still, my gaze on the floor, waiting for them to command me, but when they spot my bracelet they look away. One gently fingers the bracelet and tells me in a hushed voice, “Welcome.”

I respond quickly, “Thank you, sir,” and wait for further instruction, but he simply leaves me and goes back to his table. I dare to look up, and the men seem to be enjoying whatever conversation they were having before.

Before I can ponder their actions, I watch as an untethered young woman, who’s talking to a group of men at a table, rises from her seat and approaches me. As she gets close, I’m struck by how beautiful and sexy she is. Moving with an elegance I usually only see in a woman twice her age, she’s dressed in a red babydoll dress with a black belt at its center, fishnet stockings and glossy black heels. Her dirty blonde hair is done up into a messy bun with wispy bangs that frame her eyes, and she wears a smile that is so warm and welcoming.

She holds out a manicured hand as she reaches me. “Hello, Katia,” she greets me, her voice low and sultry. “It’s so nice to finally meet you. Welcome to Club X. I’m Madam Lynn.”

Her grip is soft and welcoming, and I feel completely at ease in front of her. “Madam Lynn?” I ask, unable to keep the disbelief out of my voice.

Madam Lynn flashes me a friendly grin filled with perfectly white, straight teeth. “In the flesh.”

I know it must seem rude, but I stare at her, eyes wide, unable to respond. I just can’t believe it. How in the world is someone so young in charge of all of this? Talking to her online, she seemed wise beyond her years. I assumed that she’d be much older than the youthful woman standing before me. It was so easy to confide into her online, I felt like I was talking to a maternal figure. It’s a shock to see that she’s only a few years older than me at most

“Is something the matter?” Madam Lynn asks when I’m silent for longer than a few seconds.

I shake my head. “No, I’m sorry,” I add quickly.

She chuckles at me, waving a dismissive hand. “No need to apologize.”

I get the feeling there’s more than meets the eye to Madam Lynn, but I’m not about to question her. It’s none of my business.

She turns and gestures at the grand ballroom. “So what do you think?” she asks. “Does it suit your tastes?”

I turn my eyes back on the room, seeing all those powerful men dressed in suits with their Subs and Slaves, my breathing becoming ragged again. “It’s wonderful,” I say breathlessly, and mean it. I shake my head as I continue, “I never thought it would be so…” and my voice trails off

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