Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,104

Constant abuse and neglect until she caved to what Carver Dario wanted. She did what she had to do to survive. He wasn’t a master. He was an abuser who deserved to die a painful death.


Katty93 has logged in.

My heart races as I watch the blip appear on the screen. I’ve been waiting for her. It’s wrong. I know it is. I’m not disillusioned into thinking this isn’t fucked up. I just don’t care.

Catlvr89: Hello Kat!

Katty93: Oh hi there!

Are you new here? Welcome!

A smile slips across my face at her willingness to please. Her happiness that’s apparent on the screen.

Catlvr89: I am. Today is my first day.

Katty93: It’s a nice place here. I think you’ll find it really supportive.

Catlvr89: So far I have!

Katty93: …

The dots signifying Katia is typing a response appear on the screen, but then vanish. I consider typing something, but then I wait a few more seconds.

Katty93: How are you doing today?

Catlvr89: Today is good. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a rough day.

I type in the answer before I have a moment to think. I’m not blind to the fact that this is a support group and there are more people here than just Katia. I’m not interested in taking advantage of Katia or anyone else. I just need answers to make sure she’s the one I’ve been waiting for. I know she’s usually on late, and I’m only here for her. But I’ll do my best to blend in and be discreet.

I may not have gone through what some of the people on here have. But others here are coping with death. I can relate to that.

Katty93: Oh! That’s really good! What brings you here?

Catlvr89: Could we message in private?


Darlinggirl86 has logged in.

Katty93: Of course Cat! And hi Darling!

Darlinggirl86: Hi all! Welcome Cat!

I don’t respond to Darling. I don’t want to create an illusion that I’ll be staying here. I just wanted a taste of Katia. I wanted to see what she was like. To see if she’s the woman I think she is. Strong and vibrant, but tainted by a sinful darkness that makes her perfect for me.


Katty93: I’m happy to chat. But I do promise you the group is really supportive and judgment free.

Catlvr89: I’m trying to decide what I want in a partner. It’s difficult with my needs

I stare at the blunt answer I’ve given her, and I know it’s truthful at least.

Katty93: Oh! I see. Have you recently left a relationship?

Catlvr89: No, I haven’t had one for years.

Katty93: I haven’t either.

My heart thuds in my chest, and my brow furrows at her response. I was under the impression that she hadn't had a relationship since she'd been freed.

Catlvr89: How did your last relationship end?

Katty93: Horribly. I left... he was my abuser.

It’s odd to me that she would call what they had a relationship. Her mental records don’t show that she had Stockholm syndrome or any type of psychological problems other than the occasional night terror. Which seems reasonable.

Catlvr89: Did you love him?

Katty93: No. I hated him. But I was safe with him at least.

Catlvr89: Safe?

Katty93: I knew I wouldn’t die. I’m sorry if this is …dark. I didn’t mean to bring it up.

Catlvr89: I like talking. You can talk about whatever you’d like.

Katty93: Thank you. Let’s talk about you! Lol

Catlvr89: Lol I think I’m more comfortable talking about you if you don’t mind. …Unless you have questions for me.

Katty93: Oh! Well if that makes you more comfortable. We can talk about anything.

Catlvr89: Why do you call it a relationship? What you had with your abuser?

Katty93: Idk. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have.

Catlvr89: Don’t be sorry. It’s okay. I was just curious.

Katty93: I guess cause he’s the only …idk how to say it.

Catlvr89: Has he been your only sexual partner?

Katty93: No, he shared me.

Catlvr89: Outside of who he shared you with?

Katty93: Yes. I tried to have other relationships. It just doesn’t seem …idk. Like I don’t feel like …idk how to say it.

Catlvr89: Like they can handle you?

Katty93: I guess something like that.

Catlvr89: What can they not handle?

Katty93: I want to be submissive. I want to feel protected and cherished.

I stare at her answer and I’m filled with confusion, revulsion. Anger. He didn’t protect her. He didn’t cherish her. My fingers tap angrily on the keys, the loud clicks filling the room.

Catlvr89: You felt that way with your abuser?

Katty93: I pretended I did. It made it easier to live. I created this fantasy and it made it easier to survive

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