Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,102

too impatient to wait to ask her.

My heart drops in my chest at the results that pop up. Nothing with “Club X” per se. But a bunch of porn websites and pornographic pictures are the first things listed. Some information about ecstasy. Certainly not what I expected. I click through a couple of them, but the sites are all set up to get you to put in your credit card. Screw that. I click through a bunch more websites, trying to find any information that links to the invitation, but I come up short. There’s absolutely nothing here. After clicking through a couple more, I shut down the browser, a feeling of disappointment running through me.

I’m about to close down my laptop when an email notification pops up in the lower right corner of my screen. The title of the subject makes my heart jump in my chest, and I almost click on it immediately.

Your invitation awaits

I sit there for a moment before clicking, my heart pounding in my chest as my skin pricks from a sudden chill. How eerie.

From: Madam Lynn

To: Katia Herrington

Katia, I’ve been notified that you’ve received my invitation, and I’m attaching information for your consideration before we move forward. I feel it’s in your best interest as well as Club X’s for you to consider enrollment. I personally invite you to check us out. I know you’ll enjoy it. A bracelet is included in the package. Please bring it with you. I’ll see you soon.

Yours truly,

Madam Lynn

My heart is nearly beating out of my chest as I quickly download the forms, open them and begin reading. My eyes go wide as I skim through pages and pages of what essentially amounts to a non-disclosure agreement. If I want to be a part of the club, I have to sign it and adhere to the rules listed. There are four other downloads, one with a list of themed nights. Another with rules for the club. And there are a lot of them.

Another download with testimonies.

And the last one, pictures of a gorgeous building. It looks almost like a mansion. But the inside is what steals my breath away.

I sit there for I don’t know how long, greedily devouring every word that scrolls across the page. It takes a while, but when I finally reach the end, my mind is reeling from the wealth of information. A lot of what I read was legal jargon, but there are three words that stick out in my mind.




Club X is an exclusive BDSM club.

I suck in a heavy breath as I stare at the screen, excitement coursing through my limbs, but at the same time feeling slightly sick to my stomach. Am I really going to do this? It could be a way to confront that part of me that isn’t fully healed, the part of me that’s still dark and twisted.

I mentioned it to Kiersten, but I didn’t expect this.

I have fantasies. I have cravings. I don’t want normal. I tried to have a sexual relationship with someone who doesn’t want complete control. But I want to give someone my everything. I want the fantasy that I found sanctuary in. I survived because of it. It’s so deeply ingrained in me, and I don’t want it to leave.

I don’t know if I was always like this. But there’s a power in submitting wholly to someone. To giving them everything and trusting them. I want to do it again.

It feels wrong. But I know deep down that it’s what I want. It’s what I’m missing.

I know people live with the illusion I created for myself. It’s their life. I want that. I want to trust someone to take me as their Slave, and cherish me like I made myself believe my Master did.

I try to push this feeling and dark thoughts away, but they remain.

I pick up the letter again, letting the tips of my fingers trail over the engraved “X.” I want it, but I’m terrified to let go. In a place like this though… Maybe this is exactly what I need.

Chapter 5


I’m two whiskeys in, and I can’t help myself.

I’ve read her files over and over. My poor Katia. Kidnapped at sixteen years old while walking home from school. It was a nice neighborhood, low crime. No reason to worry. But one day she just vanished. Marcio Matias kidnapped her and three other women that day. He was well known in the sex slave traffic industry, and is

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