The High-Wizard's Hunt - By Ashley Delay Page 0,94

pressure crushing her eased, and she heard voices that seemed to be in a struggle. She had a moment’s sympathy for the next person to be caught in the same trap she had fallen into.

The pain subsided completely and she managed to lift her head. She was shocked to see two Kallegian fleeing from a large figure covered in blood. The giant man was holding a decapitated head in one large, muscular hand and a hammer in the other. The figure looked familiar, but she could not make out who it was. Bridgett felt her strength returning rapidly in the absence of the magic that had nearly ended her life. She stood slowly and watched the man drop the head he was holding. Bloody, sweating and breathing hard, he turned to face her.

“Macgowan?” Bridgett gazed through tear filled eyes as he nodded. “Thank you.” She strained to speak. He placed a shaking hand on her arm to steady her. Bridgett watched as he put his bloody hand into his satchel and pulled something out. The tears slid down her cheeks as he placed a blood stained daisy in her hair.

“For Kauna,” he said, lips shaking with the emotion behind his words. Bridgett ceased searching with her Empath gift. His sorrow for losing Kauna was too much for her to take. Then he turned and slowly meandered toward the market district.

Bridgett felt ragged and weak from her ordeal. She felt an urge to comfort Macgowan but did not know where to begin. She had witnessed many families lose members in her days, but rarely did she feel a mind as wracked with grief. She quickly caught up to him, and he stopped as she placed her hand on his arm. Ignoring the blood covering him, she kissed him on the cheek and they slowly made their way toward their destination. “She would be proud. If it is possible, I know she is missing you, too.”


Osric surveyed the street and could not make out any more of the hooded Kallegians. The street echoed with the sounds of the night, but the air was lacking the scent of the cold winter nights he had grown to love over his years. The smell of blood and smoke assaulted his senses.

The battle had gone better than he had hoped, and he was proud of the performance of his Vigiles. News had reached his ears of some casualties, but most of the deaths were of the numerous animals that had chosen to join them in their battle. Nearly ready to depart for his next patrol, Osric sheathed his sword and readied himself to travel.

“Osric.” Thamas stepped to the edge of a rooftop nearby. “The dragons tell me that the streets are clear. All of the Kallegians are in the market district.”

“That quick?” Osric was slightly surprised and confused by the efficiency with which they were able to carry out their plan. The Vigiles were great fighters, but rumors of the Kallegian’s skill with magic had made him expect a much more difficult battle.

“They didn’t put up much of a fight.” Thamas grinned. “I told you we should stay and fight. The talk of their magic must have been a severe exaggeration. We should escort them out of Stanton before the rest wake up.”

“I’m not sure this is the end of it, but we can hope,” Osric agreed. He saw Thamas disappear as he spoke the spell to travel. Osric took a moment to be grateful for their success. He was glad he had allowed Thamas and many of the other Stanton residents to join in their cause. He had expected a much higher mortality rate for the people who fought with heart but with little combat training. I just hope we can end this now, without any more fighting. The familiar sensation of movement greeted him as he cast the traveling spell, and reappeared in the market district.

The faces of the Stanton villagers greeted him as the scene began to take shape. Some of those gathered wore a curious expression at the commotion, some were timid with the impending confrontation, and even more gossiped as if the whole event was a show they had come to watch at a festival. Others wore grim expressions of realization. Serious expressions were donned by ex-Vigiles, elders, and several men who had served in the Ryhain’s personal guard.

In the distance, near one of the city’s shops, Osric caught sight of Bridgett. She stood with Macgowan, bloodied but looking as strong Copyright 2016 - 2024