The High-Wizard's Hunt - By Ashley Delay Page 0,90

the moment he was waiting for, he still felt the need to guard the truth that he had maintained since his early years of study and wand-making. The probing expressions on the faces of his onlookers told him that his time was up; he had to speak or lose their attention for good.

“I have never spoken of this event.” Their gazes returned to him in curiosity. “Among all that live on Stanton, I am the only one who knows his life will end without nourishing another soul!”

The tension grew as the eyes probed his expressions for signs of insincerity. There was no difficulty maintaining the illusion because he was being genuine in his confession.

“A See-er came to me when I was still young and showed me my death. The details may bore you all to an early end, yourselves.” Gus acknowledged their shocked expressions with a joke. “But the important thing is this: Osric had a See-er show him his own end; I was there to witness the prophecy. I was also there to witness him as he slew a paun and changed a prophecy!”

Gasps came from the audience as he paced on top of the log he jumped on. He knew as he looked into their eyes that he had their rapt attention.

“Yes, you heard me; the paun do exist. Yet the important thing you need to remember is that he changed a prophecy. I believe that fighting for him may give us all the chance to die with a purpose. Why should we insist that being eaten is the only purpose with honor?” Gus looked into each of the eyes that surrounded him. He knew he had them, but it was time to seal the deal.

“This boy is on the verge of changing the way we look at magic. He has my full attention, if the world’s greatest Wand-Maker means anything to you. He has fought for the rights of man and animal alike. He has the attention of those who are trying to start this war, though the idiots have no idea what they are dealing with. To tell the truth, even I don’t have a clue what is really going on with the boy.” Gus looked at the dirt, slightly ashamed that he could not grasp the truth behind the mysteries. He was surprised himself that he had admitted that fact to a group of relative strangers.

“But we are not here to discuss my failings.” He pushed aside his self doubt. “The one truth that keeps me following this man, this human, this pain in my tail,” Gus smiled and firmed his expression, then he spoke after a brief pause, “is that he has the respect and attention of the unicorns.”

“The lions are already known for their power when it comes to war. They will be seen coming from a long way off, but who could even think to watch out for a squirrel? How many humans would run at the site of a prairie-dog?” Gus held their gaze and stood as high as he could. “The thing that all of us seem to forget is that wands have made us all equal. Join us and fight for freedom; fight for your families and your homes!”

The small group of animals cheered just as a beacon leapt into the air from the center of Stanton. Gus recognized the signal that Aron had arrived and the fighting had begun. It had taken more time than he had hoped, but he achieved his part of the plan. Now, to send them in the right direction.

Chapter 19


The Battle For Stanton

Osric sank down against the wall in the entrance hall to the Vigile barracks, frustrated and exhausted. He had been trying to sleep for several hours, but so many thoughts were racing through his mind that he couldn’t seem to keep his eyes closed. He was terrified that he would fail in the upcoming battle and the Kallegian would eradicate the good people of Stanton. He might die, but that possibility worried him far less than the deaths of his friends. Bridgett could die. The thought kept repeating over and over in his head. Bridgett might die, Bridgett might die, Bridgett might die…

Osric heard the sound of battle just outside, but Machai walked through the door before he could react.

“Machai, what’s happening?”

“The battle be beginning, but ye need to be listening to me before we be going. There be one thing ye need to be knowing about fighting with ye’r wand Copyright 2016 - 2024