The High-Wizard's Hunt - By Ashley Delay Page 0,74

those who believe in its power as the Well of Strands. Obviously, the caldereth were of the mind that the Well existed under the Irua Realm.”

Gus puffed, disgruntled tones and muffled insults spewed from his mouth as he scampered between the legs of Bridgett’s chair. “You and Eni would make a great pair. Tell me why I should bother looking to you for knowledge if you are going to spout fables in such a convincing manner? If grand protection spells are your indication, we might as well believe the Well of Strands is beneath this very grove.”

“I am not professing the tales to be true, Gus. I am merely answering the lady’s question.” Eublin looked down at him in reproach. “We do not actually know who cast the spells protecting the Grove of Unicorns. For all we know, the Well is beneath our very feet. However, I doubt that very much.” Gus folded his arms across his chest in defiance and looked as though he would start shouting again. “Now, keep in mind that something does not have to be correct for it to be true.”

“You just make more and more sense every time you open your mouth! What in Archana’s name is that supposed to mean?” Gus demanded.

“If the caldereth believed that the Well of Strands existed beneath the Irua Realm, then for the caldereth it was true. They believed it. They believed it enough to march every man, woman, and child across the Human Realm to invade the realm of another race in the search for power. Regardless of whether the Well exists or doesn’t, for them it was true. Now, for our purposes, whether they were correct is irrelevant.” Eublin hopped up out of his chair and flipped through one of the large books on the table. “What we need to know is how to proceed from here. If the Turgent is indeed striving to use manufactured evidence to justify a war with the Irua Realm, that would lead me to believe he feels it is true as well. Why would someone want to find the Well of Strands?”

“If the Well would allow someone to cast stronger spells than an individual is able to naturally, it seems reasonable that his motive is one of two things,” Bridgett responded thoughtfully, ignoring Gus’ scowl. “Either he wants to use the power to benefit the inhabitants of Archana, or he wants to use the power to benefit himself. Assuming he is willing to annihilate an entire race to gain the power, the second seems most likely.”

“Correct. However, it is even more likely that this individual feels his personal benefit is for the benefit of all of Archana. It is rare that someone who engages in acts of selfishness actually feels he is acting selfishly.”

“So, we are looking at someone who is waging war against an entire race and he feels that anyone acting against him is preventing Archana from gaining the benefit of his actions?” Bridgett was beginning to see the implications of such an enemy.

“Aha. Now you are starting to understand how dangerous such a man could be.”


“Where could he have gone off to now? That pup has no concept of respect; he is always wandering off and causing me to worry,” Gus grumbled as they wandered through the grove.

“Oh hush, he is just a pup and there is nothing in this grove that will harm him,” Bridgett chided. “I am sure he is perfectly fine.”

“I think I hear him now,” Eublin added, gesturing ahead of them on the path.

The three picked up their pace a bit as the sound of Pebble’s childish laughter reached their ears. They came around a bend in the path and caught sight of a group of unicorns gathered in a meadow. They couldn’t see Pebble, but they could hear him talking.

“One’s for you’s, and one’s for you’s, and this one’s is special, just for you’s ‘cause you’s been so good to me’s! I’s is super gonna miss you’s the mostest!”

Bridgett approached the group, resting her hand on the back of one unicorn as she joined their circle and smiled at the pup’s sweet gesture of giving parting gifts to the unicorns. She had grown so fond of Pebble during their travels. The unicorns also seemed to enjoy having him in the grove. She could feel the emotions of gratitude, protectiveness, and delight emanating from each of the creatures surrounding the prairie dog pup. One unicorn bowed her head low and nuzzled his chest Copyright 2016 - 2024