High Flyer - Michelle Diener Page 0,82

lying like vanquished prey below them. They would not be using the lander to get the engine out of the Spikes.

“No one's going anywhere now.” He didn't hide his approval.

He heard a shout from the right and turned, saw Grimms and Baxter were on small buzzers, similar to the colorful dru-dru people used in Touka City but a more robust version, built for use out in the wilderness.

They had slid to a stop--like Craven's people, they were staring at the lander--and then their gazes went up to where Iver and Hana were standing.

“I don't think they're very happy with us.”

Hana gave a strangled laugh. “No. I don't think things would go as well for us if we were caught again.”

Then she went still, her head twisting to the left in a snap. “Someone's coming in a lander.”

He turned to look, shading his eyes with a hand against the afternoon sun.

There was a glint of sunlight on glass from far down the valley, and then a lander lumbered into view. It came to a stop on the other side of the rocks that Craven's people had put in place and someone jumped out the driver's side.

Six others jumped out the back, all dressed in the security forces uniform Iver was wearing himself, taken from the stolen stores at the back of the lander.

“That looks like . . .” He squinted to get a better look.

“It's Simon.” Hana's voice was soft. “Looks like Bret's got himself some backup.”

A sudden flurry of shots were fired below, as Craven's people realized what was happening, and Simon's people attacked.

Everyone ducked down, taking cover behind rocks, while one of Craven's people lay sprawled on the ground with a SAL dart in their chest.

“Which way do we go?” Hana's teeth gnawed on her bottom lip. “Neither side is friendly.”

“We go deeper into the Spikes.” There was no guarantee they wouldn't be killed if they were caught again. They were stuck between the two factions and hadn't made friends on either side.

For now, he and Hana had done as much as they could to slow things down. It was time to think of themselves, and get to safety.

Grimms and Baxter revved their buzzers and started moving across the valley floor in their direction.

Their time to consider their options had just run out.

Chapter 27

The high-pitched whine of the two buzzers had long since faded, and now all Hana could hear was the cry of birds above and the wind through the trees lining the narrow pass.

That and her and Iver's breathing.

The air was thin up here, and even with her upgrade, she struggled to draw a full breath.

At least there was no sign anyone was following them.

Hana gave herself the luxury of a grin at the thought of Grimms and Baxter finding the way too rough for their buzzers. They wouldn't have wanted to risk leaving them and following on foot, not with Craven's people down below them.

Besides, with the arrival of Simon and his reinforcements they would be needed more urgently elsewhere.

Iver was right, this route was their best option. And both the groups they had escaped had more pressing things to do than chase down two prisoners. Even if one of them was the head-of-planet.

“Do you think they've given up on us completely?” She asked the question as she expended a little more effort and reached the top of the pass, pausing to lean back against the cliff behind her and pull out the water bottle from her pack.

“We can hope.” Iver was only a few steps behind her and she watched him with appreciation as he walked toward her.

Despite the cool air, sweat dotted his shirt. He'd rolled up the sleeves and she could see the corded muscle of his arms. He looked competent and calm.

Like someone she'd want at her side in any situation.

A wave of lust mixed with admiration washed through her and she lifted her face to his as he stopped in front of her.

He bent down, touching his lips to hers, and then what she thought would be a simple kiss became hot and needy.

When he lifted his head and then moved to lean against the rock beside her, she was breathing hard.

“I'm sorry for all the time I wasted, before.”

He looked sidelong at her.

“We could have had this a long time ago. We would have both been happier for it.”

He shook his head. “Don't second guess yourself. You never played games with me. I'm fine with how things worked out.” His

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