High Flyer - Michelle Diener Page 0,74

the engine.

But Bret and his crew had them on edge.

It was very obvious that even with the extra SALs they'd taken from Bret's team, the situation hung on a knife's edge.

All it would take was for one person to attack, and things would go sideways, fast.

Luki hadn't appeared once, so Hana guessed he was still in the medbay, but Kyle looked like he could probably do a lot of damage before he was taken down, if he had a mind to.

And it looked like all of them had a mind to.

The idea that Craven had taken the engine from under their noses was clearly unbearable.

She sat back down beside Iver and he turned toward her, swinging one leg over the bench, and she gave a sigh of relief as she leaned back against his chest. His arm came around her, anchoring her to him.

“I never heard you were in a relationship, Sugotti,” Grimms said, tapping a finger to her lips as she looked over at them. “Then again, we can't get comms here.”

Hana looked up at her, surprised.

“It isn't because you don't get comms,” Lia said, latching on to a neutral topic with what sounded like relief. “We do get comms at our camp and I didn't hear about it either.”

“Who cares?” Tillis asked.

“He's head-of-planet, and he's got himself a partner. There's been speculation for months as to why he was alone at all those planetary functions and now we know.” Grimms lifted her eyebrows at Tillis, making her contempt for him clear.

“You were seeing her that whole time in secret?” Lia asked into the silence that followed.

Hana could feel Iver tense behind her.

“No.” His answer was curt.

“What he means is he was trying to get my interest that whole time. Hard to do if you're taking other women to planetary functions.” Her voice came out a little husky, a little raw.

She had the feeling she was balancing the peace with gossip.

Jeera leaned forward on her elbows from her place between Bret and Vras. “And did it work?”

“As you can see.” Hana fluttered a hand and Iver's grip on her waist tightened.

“You look familiar.” Brynja watched her, face thoughtful. “I've seen you somewhere before. I didn't notice it earlier, but now you're cleaned up and look a little less ragged . . . I know I recognize you.”

“She's ex-military. Got to be.” Roj, who'd been quietly eating at the same table as Tillis, looked up from his empty plate. “Why else would she be so unwilling to say who she is? Besides, even sick you can tell she's always alert. It's clear.”

“Is that so?” Brynja asked. “You fought for the VSC in the war?”

Hana kept her face blank.

“Yes.” Bryjna took a step closer. “You did.” She spoke slowly. “I remember now. I saw you.”

Hana cocked her head to the side. Looked at Brynja again. She didn't recognize her at all. “I don't think so.”

“I did see you. I was captured in the second year of the war. Rounded up, and then they flew us to containment. You . . .” Brynja stared at her, then shook her head. “I can't remember what you were doing, but I never forget a face.”

The sound of a runner, screaming down the valley at top speed, cut off the speculation in Brynja's eyes, and everyone turned and looked up.

A Dynastra was coming toward them, low enough to be clear in every detail.

Hana reached out and grabbed Iver's hand, getting to her feet in the same motion.

“It's going to--” She ran out of words as it reached the camp, hit the dead zone, and the engine shut off.

For a moment--it felt longer--no one spoke or reacted in the sudden silence, and then the runner was past them, dropping fast.

A beat later it disappeared from sight, into the river.

A plume of water and soil shot up and the ground beneath their feet shuddered.

“What was that?” Jake ran out of the admin building, and Lia took a step back from him.

“A runner.”

Jake stared at her, confused. “Where is it?”

“In the river.” Roj rose to his feet. “It hit the shield over the camp, the engine died, and it crashed.”

Jake flinched. “Shit. Watch the prisoners.” As he ran toward toward the wall, a thin wisp of white smoke drifted across the blue sky and Hana heard Jake swear again as he ran.

“What happens now?” Brynja asked, looking between Roj and Lia.

Neither responded, and Craven came running out of the ruin.

“What's going on? Did the runner land?”

“It landed, all

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