High Flyer - Michelle Diener Page 0,71

A Special Forces team was on the way two days ago, and if it isn't already on-planet, it will be soon.”

“You blew something up?” Craven's words rose, thin and high.

Jake said nothing, and Hana finally couldn't resist opening her eyes. Craven's agitation was clear in the movement of his body.

“You said this would be quiet. Stealthy.” Craven's back was to her, and he threw out a hand, fist clenched. “Most of us were taken prisoner in the war. None of us want to go back to that.”

“You knew this wasn't legal.” Jake's voice was dismissive. “If you were concerned about repercussions, you shouldn't have gotten involved.”

Craven turned away, his face set. He caught Hana's gaze, and his mouth contorted with fury. “And who the fuck are you, anyway? I still haven't gotten an answer on that.”

“Lashing out at someone else isn't going to change reality.” Iver poured contempt into his voice. “Especially someone you harmed.”

Craven swung back to Iver, just as he must have intended. “Fuck you, Sugotti. You were the one who imprisoned me and my crew during the war. I'm onboard with killing you here and now.”

“Good thing it's not up to you, then.” Jake's chair scraped as he stood. “We can use him as a hostage if things get sticky. If you were thinking clearly, you'd realize that.”

“And her?” Craven waved a hand back to her. “She's nobody, as far as I can tell.”

“She's somebody to him.” Jake stared at her from his place by the table, his expression thoughtful. “They were helping each other over the wall when I caught them, and I got the impression they're close. Could be that Sugotti will be more cooperative if he wants his friend to stay safe.”

“Fine.” Craven turned again, glared at her. “I'm going to see if my people need anything.”

He stalked out.

“Volatile,” Iver commented.

“Needs must.” Jake shrugged. “Not much choice when it comes to boots on the ground out here.”

The lights flickered overhead, went out, and then flickered back on.

Jake was still standing, and from her position on the couch, Hana saw him glance up at the ceiling, a frown on his face.

“They must be chewing power on something,” Iver commented. “Or there's something wrong with their array.”

“What are you talking about?” Jake's gaze snapped to Iver.

“Seems they have to cable power in over the wall. They can't generate it inside the camp.” Iver waved in the direction of the array. “Can't receive any comms either.”

“The shield blocks comms signals?” Jake frowned.

Iver shrugged. “I only stumbled in here yesterday. But it seems so.”

Jake lifted up the black case and swung it onto his shoulder, then stalked out. He shouted for someone to come guard the door, and then disappeared.

For the first time since he'd captured them, they were alone. Private.

“You all right?” Iver was suddenly sitting on the edge of the couch, a hand on her shoulder.

She struggled to sit up. “Yes--” Before she could say anything else, Brynja appeared in the doorway.

She stared at them for a moment, then moved inside a little way, and leaned against the doorjamb, a SAL in her hand. “Your foot causing problems?” She tilted her head.

“What do you think?” Iver asked, eyes narrowed.

“All you civilized lot from Touka seem to be really outraged by that trap.” Brynja shook her head. “We grew up in the Havens, mostly old runners that our parents landed on Faldine and then couldn't launch again. Traps like that kept us fed until the VSC finally caught up with us.”

“And then what kept you fed?” Hana asked.

Brynja shot Hana a look. “I'm supposed to be grateful to be made a beggar?”

“No. You never were a beggar.” Hana hooked an arm under her head and turned to watch Brynja's foot jiggle in agitation. “You're a citizen of the VSC, and entitled to a citizen dividend. And you weren't responsible for what your parents did to the Halatians.”

“You say that, but a lot of others thought different.”

Hana curled onto her side, making more room for Iver on the couch. “What are you trying to achieve now?”

“A new place, that the VSC won't try to take.”

“A new place?” Iver asked. “Another planet's DND order broken? Like here? Like on Veltos? How are you even going to get off of Faldine? In what?”

“Jake's people have a runner, they'll take us. They need people like us.”

“People like you?” Iver asked.

“Survivors.” Brynja's lips formed a tight line and she turned her head to look out the door.

“And who are Jake's people?” Iver

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