High Flyer - Michelle Diener Page 0,64

upgrade seemed to die within her from one moment to the next, and she fell to the ground on the other side, dry heaving.

“You're not looking so hot.” The voice seemed to come from a long way away, and Hana ignored it as she breathed in and out, trying to get herself under control.

Her arms shook and she couldn't hold herself up. She collapsed, face down, and breathed in the spicy green scent of the ground covering.

Hands grabbed her around the waist and lifted her, and she bent over and retched again before slowly straightening up.

“She really as sick as she seems?” Bret spoke and she glanced to the side, saw him watching her with narrowed eyes.

“She feels clammy with fever.” The voice that responded was deep.

Bret moved around to stand in front of her, and seemed to be pleased with what he saw. “You do look pretty bad. I'm guessing you won't be running off in any hurry.”

“I'm here, as demanded. Now what do you want?” Hana tried to see any sign of Iver, but it was just the guard who'd been shot yesterday near the river by one of the smugglers and Bret standing in the early morning light.

“Just wanted you where I could see you. Not that you'd have been any threat to us given the state of you. But I like knowing where everyone is.” Bret waved a hand at the guard. “Put her with Sugotti. Might as well keep them together seeing as they're so cozy.” He tried to reach for Hana's pack and she stumbled away from him, clutching it to her chest.

“It's got my clothes in it, and some stuff to keep my foot from getting infected.”

Bret studied her a moment with dislike, then flicked a glance at the guard. “Check it for weapons, she can keep everything else.”

The guard grabbed her arm in a firm grip and pulled her toward one of the huts ranged in a curve beside the ruins.

As they got closer to the ancient building, the rhythmic thump she'd sensed the day before overwhelmed her. It felt as if it were rattling her bones with every beat.

She turned to the side and heaved again.

The guard cursed, loosening his grip, and she stood, bent at the waist, feeling light-headed.

“Come on.” The guard grabbed her again, but he let her set the pace.

A door opened as they got close to one of the huts, and Iver stepped into the doorway, face tight, his movements stiff.

“You're hurt.” Well, she knew that already, had seen Bret kicking him while he lay unconscious on the ground, but the lines of strain around his mouth had her heart beating double-time in panic.

“I'm okay.” His voice was a croak, and he cleared his throat. “I wish you hadn't come.”

She stopped in front of him and gently ran a finger down the bruise on his cheek. “You would have.” She didn't need to say any more than that.

He went still, then gave a nod and stepped back inside.

Hana followed him in, leaving the door open behind her.

The big guard stood in the doorway, blocking the light, although there were sky lights in the roof overhead, illuminating the space in lieu of windows. He held out his hand.

“Oh, the pack.” She handed it over reluctantly and he set it on the ground and crouched down to go through it, pulling out each item and placing it on the floor.

“Stay in the hut,” he said when he was done. He left everything on the ground and walked away empty-handed.

“What's his name?” Hana asked, leaning against the doorjamb to watch him go.

“Kyle.” Iver joined her, moving carefully, and she turned to him, worry pressing hard on her chest.

“They aren't going to lock us in?”

Iver shook his head. “The huts are the usual VSC military temp accommodation with standard electronic locks. They don't work here. None of the doors lock, and they don't seem to have any restraints of any kind, so they're counting on our injuries to keep us tethered to camp.”

She nodded, distracted by the way he favored his side, and reached for the hem of his shirt to have a look.

“I'm all right.” He caught her hand in his instead, gave it a squeeze. “Just my ribs.”

She'd had broken ribs before, from a particularly bad crash in the war, so she knew how much they hurt. She bent down, looking for the medication from her pack to ease his pain and help with healing.

“What about you?” Iver put

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