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you have an issue with partners.”

“Yeah?” Baz paused, took a sip of his drink. “My superiors always said I had a problem with authority.”

JJ shook her head slowly, wiped her mouth with a napkin. “No. I don’t think it’s that. I think you like to work alone. It’s not so much you have a problem with people tellin’ you what to do, but you’re good at runnin’ solo and you don’t require much direction. Am I wrong?”

The way she asked told him she wanted him to prove it if he didn’t agree with her. “You’re not entirely wrong, no. I don’t mind a partner, though.”

She grunted, took another bite.

Baz decided to elaborate. “For example, you. I enjoy working alongside you, gettin’ bossed around by you.”

“I’m not bossy,” she countered.

“Oh, you most certainly are.” He leaned in, met her gaze. “It’s one of the many things I find so hot about you.”

Her soft gasp said he’d hit exactly the mark he’d been aiming for.

The rest of their dinner conversation went along the same lines. JJ would presume to know him; she would get it right about fifty percent of the time. Baz allowed her to steer them so she didn’t have to talk about herself, something he could tell was a touchy subject for her. Considering he intended to be with her for the long haul, there would be plenty of time in the future.

“You didn’t come here to talk about the case, did you?”

“We can if you’d like. I learned a few things tonight,” he informed her as he carried the dishes to the sink.


For the first time since he walked in the door, she didn’t refer to him as Detective, he noticed.

He set the plate in the dish drainer, turned to face her.

“What is this?” she asked.

“What is what?”

“This. You. Me.”

“What do you want it to be?”

“You know I don’t have time for a relationship,” she stated firmly.

“That’s your automatic response.” Stepping forward, he closed the gap between them. “Relationships don’t take any extra time if they’re the right ones.” He leaned down, ran his finger along her jawline. “I’m not gonna press this, JJ. I like you. You know that. And you like me. If you wanna play hard to get, I’ll chase. I don’t have a problem with that.”

Those stunning green eyes bounced over his face as though she was trying to read every expression to determine if he was telling the truth or not.

“But know this…” He tilted her chin back. “I will catch you, Jessica James. Of that you can be certain.”

He expected a rebuttal, but it appeared he’d stunned her silent.

Being an opportunistic man, he leaned in, pressed his lips to hers.

He hadn’t expected it to ignite, but it did. Like a match to jet fuel, it exploded into heat and light when JJ’s arms wrapped around his neck, her tongue darting out to greet his. For a second, he was caught off guard. Enough that he didn’t let the kiss consume them. The last thing he wanted was for this to go somewhere she wasn’t ready for.

As much as it pained him, he pulled back and smiled.

“I will catch you,” he repeated, softer this time. “No matter how long it takes.”

Chapter Seven

Friday, November 13, 2020

“We never did get back around to talking about Trey last night,” Reese prompted when Brantley walked into the kitchen the following morning.

Rubbing a hand down his face, Brantley attempted to wake up his groggy brain to remember what they’d been talking about.

Oh, right. Hiring Trey.

“Coffee first,” he grumbled.

“You act like a man who didn’t get any sleep last night,” Reese said, a teasing tone in his voice.

Brantley shot a look at Tesha. “I prefer not to share a bed with a dog.”

Reese peered down at the dog. “I tried my damnedest.”

Brantley knew he had. To the point they’d both been up half the night attempting to get Tesha to snooze on the brand-new dog bed they’d put on the floor. Of course, Tesha would have none of it, insisting she be snuggled up between them. As much as Brantley liked that dog, he was not willing to go that route.

“If we had a couch, I could’ve relocated,” Reese said, holding up a plate.

“Nope. Nuh-uh.” Brantley shook his head. “I ain’t givin’ up my bed partner. Nor am I lookin’ for a third. She’ll have to figure it out.” Following the heavenly scent of bacon, Brantley took a seat on a stool, picked up the fork. “Is this your

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