Hide and Seek - Lara Adrian Page 0,97

I’ll be done long before Smith shows up. By that time, you’ll have left Langley and can meet me outside Arlington and then we can surprise Smith together. It’s the best solution.”

Nick glanced at Stingray. His friend nodded after a few seconds.

“She’s right, man. We’re running out of time.”

Nick took both of Michelle’s hands in his. “You go there, set up the cameras and you get out. You hear me? No hanging around there. Just in and out. If you’re not at the Arlington Metro in exactly one hour, I’m going to whip your butt when I catch you. Is that clear?”

She nodded, her heart racing at his impassioned statement.

“Make sure Stingray can get a hold of you while I’m in there. Do you have a cell on you?”

Michelle shook her head. “Only the burner from Smith.”

Nick glanced at Stingray, who already nodded and said, “I’ve got some spares.”

Nodding in agreement, Nick addressed her again, “Take the van. It’s got all the equipment you’ll need.” He turned to Stingray. “I’ll take the Toyota. Wait in the Buick with Ranger and Lisa, and take the communication system with you so you and I can communicate when I’m inside and you can watch my back.”

When Nick turned back to her, his gaze was heated. He pulled her into his arms, kissed her fiercely, then released her just as abruptly, and exited the van.


Nick exhaled a sigh of relief when the guard at the gate returned his identification and lifted the gate to let him pass. He pressed his foot on the gas and accelerated the Toyota, driving down the long driveway flanked by trees and bushes.

The entire Langley campus was surrounded by a thick forest, sitting there like an island. Several massive parking lots—all above ground—surrounded the large building, or rather buildings, since CIA headquarters was really made up of three separate but interconnected buildings. Once inside any of them, a person could get to any part of it—given the right access credentials of course.

An inner courtyard was partially covered with a massive tent-like canopy, other areas were open and provided some greenery to relax within the concrete-and-glass structure.

Nick drove to the parking lot closest to the main entrance. In case something went wrong, he would need to get to his car quickly to leave the CIA campus before they locked the place down. It was still early. Many employees were only just arriving. He’d timed it that way, knowing that during busy times he had a better chance of slipping through unnoticed. In the morning, everybody was too concerned with getting their first cup of coffee and not fully awake yet.

Nick exited the car and locked it, then walked calmly toward the entrance. From the corner of his eye, he observed other men and women doing the same. Some held paper coffee cups, others carried briefcases. Most were dressed in suits or other business casual clothing.

For three years, Nick had waited for this opportunity, and now it had finally come. As if he still belonged here, he walked through the glass doors, entering the white-and-gray marble-and-granite entrance hall. Nothing had changed. A row of turnstiles awaited him. Beyond them the well-known CIA seal made of white-and-gray granite tiles was laid into the floor.

He lined up at one of the turnstiles, waiting his turn to swipe his identification card. The person ahead of him marched through it quickly, and he followed, swiping his card.

A high-pitched beep sounded, and a red light flashed at his turnstile.

Adrenaline shot through him.


A security guard walked up to him, glancing at his ID. “Sorry, sir, we’ve been having some problems with this one this morning when people come through too quickly. Please try again now.”

Nick plastered a fake smile on his face and nodded. “No problem.”

Heart beating in his throat, he swiped his card again. A green light flashed at once.

“Go ahead, sir,” the security guard said, waving him through. “It’s all good now. Have a nice day.”

“You, too.”

Relieved, Nick marched through the turnstile and walked to the end of the hall. Sweat trickled from his neck and disappeared beneath the collar of his starched dress shirt. Another incident like that, and he’d have a heart attack at thirty-three.

Focusing on the task ahead, Nick let his gaze roam. He still knew his way around, though it had been over three years since he’d last been at Langley. The maze of corridors had never seemed daunting to him before. He’d loved the challenge, loved to figure out the

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