Hide and Seek - Lara Adrian Page 0,86

was a codename. “A Phoenix?”

Stingray nodded, a sad expression on his face. “He’d gone bad. Worked for our enemies. By the time he changed his mind and wanted to make good, it was already too late. But what’s done is done. Can’t wallow in the past. We know something big is coming. Something real bad.”

“What is it?” Nick asked, drawing in closer, curious now.

“You have the dream, too? The dream about the inferno, the destruction?”

Shocked, Nick stumbled back a few paces, his mouth gaping. How could Stingray know about the horrific premonition that haunted his sleep?

Stingray nodded to himself. “So you do. Ranger has it, too. That’s why I figured all of us have that same dream.”

“Ranger? You’re in contact with another Phoenix?”

“Yeah, he’s in D.C. with me now. Along with Talon’s sister, Lisa. Doesn’t leave her side.” He shoved a hand through his hair. “Anyway, Ranger and I realized that we see slightly different parts of that premonition, and it made us think that maybe others do, too. If we have all of the parts, maybe if we piece them together something might start making sense. That’s why we started looking for others from the program.”

“How do you know Ranger? You sure he’s not bad like Talon?”

“We go way back. Military service,” Stingray said, then stopped himself.

“I was never in the army,” Nick interjected.

“Well, for all that was worth. Talon served with us, too. And he went bad. No guarantees, right?” He lifted his shoulders to a shrug. “I just know I can trust Ranger.”

“What do you want from me?”

“Same you want from us. Resurrect the Phoenix, let them rise once more. That’s why you put your feelers out there on the Dark Web for us to find you, isn’t it? We’re here, and we’re ready to fight.” Stingray put his hand on his holster to underscore his words.

“It’s not that easy. This isn’t gonna be a shootout at the OK Corral, buddy. I’m working a different angle.” Nick looked his fellow Phoenix up and down, still unsure whether to trust him fully, though the fact that he was still alive—as was Michelle—was one point in Stingray’s favor.

“As long as it’ll take us to the same goal, I don’t care much which way we’re gonna play it.” Stingray motioned toward the Lincoln Memorial. “Then let’s go. I’ll introduce you to Ranger and we’ll come up with a plan of action.” He already turned and took a few steps.

“I’m not leaving Michelle here.”

Stingray stopped and looked over his shoulder. “You’ll have to. She can’t come with us. She’s a civilian, and she knows too much already. She’s gonna lead our enemy right to us.”

Nick squared his stance and fisted his hands at his sides. “I won’t leave her. And that’s final. We need her. She has information that’s critical to what I’m planning.”

“She’s got pretty tits and a hot ass, that’s all.”

“Fucking asshole!” Nick growled and marched toward him.

“She’s got no information. She admitted it herself. She’s never seen that guy, that Smith. She won’t be able to help us identify him, so put your dick back in your pants. Just because you’ve got the hots for her doesn’t mean I’m gonna let her come.”

Nick lunged at the guy and landed a blow in his face. His fellow Phoenix lost no time in punching back, knocking Nick’s head sideways.

When Nick pulled his fist back for another hook, Stingray growled, “Damn it, Fox, why didn’t you say she was your girl?”

Nick froze in mid-movement.

“She is your girl, isn’t she? It’s just… from the things I overheard earlier, I couldn’t really tell. Apologies.”

Slowly, Nick relaxed and dropped his fist. Apparently he’d just given away something to his fellow Phoenix that he hadn’t realized himself yet: he didn’t just have the hots for Michelle. He cared about her wellbeing, cared about her.

Without a word, Nick turned and walked toward the shed.



Michelle cursed as her hand slipped from the shovel’s handle and another fingernail broke at her attempt to pry the door off the rickety shed. If she continued like this, she soon wouldn’t have any fingernails left.

But she couldn’t stop. She had to get out of here. What if that stranger was going to kill Nick? And once Nick was dead, the guy would take care of her. She shivered despite the muggy night air, and not only because she was in fear of her own life. To her surprise, she also worried about Nick, even though she shouldn’t. He really didn’t deserve

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