Hide and Seek - Lara Adrian Page 0,66

you do to me.”

Michelle pulling her lower lip between her teeth nearly made him spill, or was it the fact that she squeezed his cock right at that moment? It didn’t matter. What mattered was getting rid of his clothes, or there would indeed be a disaster on the horizon.

He lifted himself off the couch and shucked his shoes, then unzipped and pulled his pants off. When he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his boxer briefs, he met her eyes. She stared at him with open desire.

“Yes, look at my cock. Look at what you’ll feel inside you in a moment.” Slowly he pulled his boxer briefs down and revealed his erection.

When he saw the look of admiration and eager anticipation on her face, pride swelled inside him. He would make sure that look turned into one of satisfaction and ecstasy shortly.

Reaching for his pants, he pulled a condom from the pocket and ripped open the packaging.

“You came prepared.”

At her words, he snapped his gaze to her. Michelle was propping herself up on her elbows, her nipples pointing at him.

“Can’t blame a guy for hoping he’d get lucky.”

She smiled softly. “Is that what you call it?”

He slowly rolled the condom over his hard-on. “What would you call it then?”

Michelle gave his cock a pointed look. “Maybe I’m the one who’s getting lucky.”

Nick threw his head back and laughed. “A woman after my own heart.” Then he lowered one knee onto the sofa. “So, tell me, what would you like? I’m open to suggestions, because frankly, as long as I get to be inside you, I don’t care which way.”

“Stop talking.” She dropped back into the cushions and crooked her finger, inviting him to come closer. “Just let me feel you.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

With a grin that was surely going to become permanent, Nick lowered himself between her legs, bringing his cock to her center. Guiding himself along her moist sex, he allowed her warm juices to coat the condom.

When she moaned and arched her back off the sofa, he slid his cock over her clit, teasing the tiny organ. If he had any self control left, he’d finish her off by licking her clit until she came, but that was something that would have to wait for another time, because right now he couldn’t wait another second to be inside her.

“Tell me you want my cock,” he demanded.

Her hand came up and wrapped around his nape, pulling him down to her. “I want to feel your cock inside me. And if you don’t do it right now, I’m going to scream!”

“Michelle, let’s get one thing straight: you’re going to scream either way,” Nick promised and plunged inside her, seating himself until his balls slapped against her flesh.

He watched with male satisfaction how her eyes closed and all the air rushed from her lungs, how she pulled her lower lip between her teeth and how her hand tightened around his nape, her fingernails clawing into him. Even the little bit of pain it caused him he welcomed.

When he withdrew to thrust again, he felt his injured side, felt the pain in his arm and ribs, noticed how the icepack was sliding down his arm and tossed it aside. There was time later to ice his wounds. Right now, he needed to make love to the gorgeous woman beneath him. That was his only focus.

Shifting most of his weight to his uninjured side, and bracing himself on his knees and one elbow, he began to move inside her. God, she felt good. Smooth, warm, welcoming. She enveloped him like a glove, like a tight bandage that caressed and soothed at the same time. Her interior muscles were tight and strong, holding him like a vise.

Nick brushed a strand of her dark blond hair from her face and gazed into her eyes. “So beautiful.” And yet she was his enemy, though she didn’t know it, had no inkling of who he was or why he was here. In a way, it made her an innocent. He was the predator. A predator who wanted nothing more than to please the beautiful creature in his arms. Who wanted nothing more than to make her feel pleasure and satisfaction. Who wanted nothing more than to feel her submit and give herself to him if only for a few moments.

He threw his head back. Goddamn it, he didn’t want her to be the enemy. He didn’t want to have to use her. And, at that moment, he

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