A Hidden Witch - By Debora Geary Page 0,90

meeting in that lovely online living room later today to work on an alert system. I’m sure another mind witch would be a welcome addition.”

Even Marcus couldn’t resist Aervyn. That wee boy’s most powerful magic was his contagious love of life.

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Nell: This feels really old-fashioned after our new Realm meeting space.

Moira: Aye, but we can’t be wasting transport spells to do that too often just yet. Maybe after we have more of them ready.

Nell: My triplets are working Aervyn and Jamie hard. Ginia says they’re figuring out how to do more of it with coding and less with teleportation magic, so hopefully the Realm taxi service will be up and running soon.

Moira: I look forward to it. It was so delightful to cuddle your sweet boy in my lap. He won’t be little enough to do that much longer.

Nell: Pretty soon you’ll have far littler ones to hold.

Sophie: Yes. We need to get a rocking chair installed in that room. Aunt Moira’s skills with fussy babies are legendary, and I, for one, would like to be able to call on them.

Nell: God, what I would have given for an instantly available virtual babysitter when the triplets were little.

Moira: And what I’d have given to be there.

Sophie: Well, Elorie and I will be happy to benefit from the wonders of modern technology.

Elorie: Indeed. Sorry to be late. Aaron’s meeting with a friend of his to make some plans for our new house. I can’t stay long, or they’ll have added several thousand square feet for each child. Why do men always think bigger is better?

Nell: That, girl, is a question for the ages.

Sophie: Where are you building?

Elorie: Right between the inn and Gran’s cottage. We want our own separate space with little ones on the way. I don’t figure people on vacation want to hear babies crying, or stampeding little feet.

Moira: You might be surprised, my dear. However, I think it’s lovely you and Aaron will be just a wee bit closer. I won’t be minding the sounds of little ones at all.

Sophie: Can Aaron cope with two pregnant women in a month or so?

Elorie: Only if I get fed first :-). Just kidding—mostly. I’m suddenly starving all the time. Is that normal?

Nell: Oh, yeah. Enjoy it while it lasts. Hopefully you’ll skip the nausea part, but eventually babies take up enough room that there’s not much space left for food.

Moira: I used to swear my babies stole my food and fed it to the faeries. I ate like a farmer in those first months of pregnancy. So are you coming to visit us in the fall then, Sophie?

Sophie: Sort of. Mike and I were trying to figure out the wedding thing.

Elorie: Oooh, are you getting married here?

Sophie: Not exactly. Hang on…

Nell: Type faster, girl, and don’t be so cryptic!

Sophie: Sorry. The thing is, we have family all over the place, and lots of places that are special to them and to us. Mike’s parents have a beautiful sanctuary down in Mexico, Ocean’s Reach where we did our first full circle together, and of course your garden, Aunt Moira. We tried to pick one, and we just couldn’t. So we eloped.

Nell: What???

Elorie: You’re married?

Moira: Ah, my sweet girl. Blessed be.

Sophie: We had a ceremony right here in my garden. It was very small, and so sweet. And now we’d like to come share our joy with all of you. We’re going on a marriage celebration journey. We’ll start in Mexico with Mike’s parents, and then head up to Berkeley, if that works for you, Nell.

Nell: We never, ever say no to a party. Congratulations, Sophie. He’s a wonderful man.

Sophie: Don’t I know it. And then we’ll work our way over to Nova Scotia for the finish, Aunt Moira.

Moira: We’ll have ourselves a proper gathering and celebrate your joining, child. It’s the way of the Irish—it’s the party that truly matters.

Sophie: Nobody’s mad?

Moira: You’ve always been a solitary witch, darling girl. You’ve had your private joy, and now you’ll come celebrate with us. There’s nothing but happiness here.

Elorie: I’m so thrilled for you, Sophie. Truly.

Sophie: I love you all, so very much.

Nell: The triplets might be mad that they didn’t get to wear frilly dresses.

Sophie: Party dresses can be as frilly as necessary, by bridal decree.

Nell: That’ll work. Aervyn would appreciate less frills on the small-boy front.

Sophie: Done. This bridal decree stuff is easy. How are the girls, anyhow? I know Ginia was missing her sisters by the end of

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